All material copyright © 1997 John A. Quinn NewsHawk Inc. All rights reserved


     I've conducted a two year investigation into allegations regarding ultra-top-secret experiments carried out by clandestine units of both U.S. and "world" government intelligence and military agencies, corporations such as Airborne Instrument Laboratories, Siemens / ITT, as well as certain divisions of Brookhaven National Laboratories and other groups -- from the 1950s up to present times -- at a fully verified and documented subterranean facility beneath the purportedly abandoned and derelict Montauk Air Force Station. Certain of these activities are by all indications currently ongoing. The radar station is at the extreme eastern tip of Long Island, NY’s south fork.

     The remnants of the surface military installation are indeed in severe disrepair, but the underground continues to be active. Ludicrously enough, the surface of the land is now a N.Y. State Park... on paper at least. However by terms of the deed, the Federal government still retains all rights to any and all property beneath the surface! Investigations reveal that several new, deeper levels have been added in the early 1990s.

     Fields of research conducted there are said to include principally electromagnetic mind control; also psychotronics (interfacing mind & machine), particle beams technology and interdimensional / time travel experiments ("black-hole simulations and warping time-space). Very strong evidence indicates particle accelerators are in use there and at nearby facilities -- such as   Brookhaven Labs -- for powering the particle beam weapons, HAARP transmissions and exotic particle beam radar systems.

     The continuing lack of any credible explanation for what caused the crash of TWA Flight 800 nearly a year and a half ago offshore from Westhampton has focused considerable attention on eastern Long Island as a place where unusual things happen unusually often. In fact, there are substantial indications that particle beam operations at Brookhaven Labs the night of July 17 1996 were in fact (at least) partially responsible for the disaster, and this is delved into in more depth within the report.

     I've put together the report based on personal interviews with project participants, on-site investigations at Montauk Air Force Station (Camp Hero), and extensive historical and background research. This report verifies without doubt current clandestine activities at the underground installation, as well as other locations mentioned; it includes corroborative testimony from area residents and visitors who have very recently had frightening encounters at this location with mysterious, threatening unidentified security personnel toting automatic weapons.

     In the past year mainstream newspapers in Montauk and East Hampton such as the Montauk Pioneer and The East Hampton Independent have carried several articles about various aspects of the "Montauk Project". For many in the area it is (unfortunately) becoming an accepted part of life there, as it has for others who have found the preponderance of solid evidence supporting allegations of highly irregular, horrific activities at Montauk Air Force Station impossible to dismiss. This is an incredible state of affairs taking place 100 miles from NYC "underneath" eastern L.I.'s sun and surf playground.

      To get things started on the right note (and put the reader in the proper frame of mind) this question should be answered forthwith, as simply and directly as possible; the answer is no...but yes: and here is the story.

     Within the past two years, several incidents of a deeply disturbing and highly irregular nature have occurred at or near Camp Hero/Montauk Air Force Station, an ostensibly derelict facility at the extreme eastern end of Long Island's south fork and adjacent to Montauk Point's historic lighthouse. This area is currently administered by the New York State Parks system and is in fact a designated state park, on paper at least.

     Two of these incidents involved women, one of whom was accompanied by her children, being accosted, harassed and threatened at gunpoint by unidentified government/military personnel while in the vicinity. They were told that they had violated top secret and restricted areas and were subject to arrest; however no arrests were made.

     Another such incident involving weapons happened within the past year when a young man was walking in the so-called state park. A similar event sans automatic weapons took place in mid-April of 1995 when a family walking there encountered a security agent, also unidentified, who abusively harassed the family and threatened to have them arrested for the same alleged violation; again no arrests were made.

     In April 1996, in an effort to bring themselves up-to-date on the status of the area, this family again entered the restricted portion of Camp Hero State Park, and they were once more approached by a non-uniformed guard who "advised" them that they were intruding into an area designated off-limits to the public, and were to leave immediately. This follows upon an inexplicably large number of similar events within recent years. There is much well-substantiated testimony extending back at least twenty-five years of bizarre, unconstitutional and horrific activities secretly conducted by shadowy government and military agencies at this location.

     In addition to the known military bases (U.S. Army) Camp Hero and Montauk Air Force Station, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans and records establish conclusive proof of the existence of at least four levels of subterranean facilities beneath Camp Hero, and according to informed sources up to three additional levels have been added as recently as the early 1990s. Montauk is actually geologically distinct from the rest of Long Island and is the top of an undersea mountain, so there is plenty of bedrock to go down into.

     Camp Hero was a U.S. Army installation established prior to WW2, and Montauk Air Force Station was established within its perimeter as the Army phased out of the location in the 1950s. The Air Force Station was officially active only until 1969, and federal records do show that no legitimate source of funding existed past that time to keep the base in operation as it's SAGE radar system had by then become obsolete, yet recovered  Air Force documents and numerous witnesses verify indisputably that the Air Force Station was still active long after then.

     Recently much evidence has surfaced indicating that the base and the subterranean facilities were and still are used for a tremendous amount of top secret, ultra-classified research and experimentation (much of which falls under the umbrella of the code-named Phoenix Project) in quantum and particle physics (black hole simulation), super-powerful electrical fields, weather control, psychotronics (interfacing mind and machine), genetics, particle beam technology, and electronic and drug-based mind control.

     The preponderance of this evidence strongly suggests that a great many of these activities have been thoroughly malevolent as to both their desired ends and the means used to achieve those ends, and have utilized unwitting and even helpless subjects -- including at times, youngsters abducted from surrounding communities. Certain of these experiments in controlled warping of our time-space continuum had such devastating results and almost inconceivably awesome potential consequences that several project insiders conspired to sabotage the proceedings in August 1983, forcing the base's total, but as it turns out only temporary, abandonment.


     It is a matter of public record that the federal government turned the Camp Hero/Montauk AF Station property over to New  York State for use as public park land in 1984, yet according to the terms of the deed on record at the Suffolk County offices in Riverhead, N.Y., the federal government retains all rights to all property beneath the surface of the land -- only the surface of this area was actually donated to N.Y. State. The deed also holds that the federal government can reclaim the surface of the land as well for reasons   of national security, if necessary.

     Thirteen years after this transfer, at least 2/3 of this so-called park remain completely off-limits to the public! This itself is in fact a violation of the N.Y. State Parks' charter, and the restriction is enforced severely by a host of various authorities -- sometimes at gunpoint. Electronics technicians have monitored and recorded extremely unusual and unorthodox radio frequency and other electromagnetic transmissions emanating directly from this supposedly restricted and/or derelict property at the present time, which indicate activities very much like those alleged to have occurred there, and I have personally seen and heard with my own eyes and ears these bizarre and complex EM/RF signal transmissions monitored and traced by direction-finding receivers and other equipment.

     New telephone lines and new high capacity power lines with a gigawatt meter have been installed in this allegedly derelict and off-limits area fairly recently, and witnesses observed a highly advanced Cardion Corp. particle beam radar unit being operated on the bluffs at Camp Hero for a period of at least five months in 1994. Investigators were given several different explanations as to the reason for this from various Cardion (Siemens) officials, and one witness was told point-blank by a security guard there that the unit had been malfunctioning in the underground and was thus brought to the surface for testing!

     The electrical meter with gigawatt capability is on a structure claimed as an equipment maintenance building by State Parks officials: one the few functional buildings within the restricted area. Gigawatts of electrical power is a tremendous amount of power –enough to run a large city, but where is the city at Montauk Point? Underground, apparently. Investigators of clandestine activities there assert that if gigawatts of electricity were discharged (utilized) within that single   building it would be completely demolished by fire in record time. They point to the existence of the power line and gigawatt meter as clear evidence of secret, and by extrapolation unconstitutional, illicit operations at the AF Station.

     In June 1996 this assertion was confirmed as fact by a serviceman (who wishes to retain confidentiality) for LILCO, the electric utility company for the Montauk area (and virtually all Long Island). A linesman and meter reader for the Camp Hero vicinity, he has stated for the record that he and his supervisors are indeed aware that a tremendous amount of electricity is utilized by this power line and recorded by the meter. He also noted that it is absolutely not possible for the one maintenance building to use that much power for equipment maintenance operations or any other conceivable and legitimate State Parks activities.


     There are a number of claims being made about this location by people like Preston Nichols, a radio-electronics engineer and technician who's worked for Brookhaven National Laboratories and top-secret defense contractor A.I.L. on Long Island. Nichols has co-authored three books on the subject of the activities at Montauk Air Force Station popularly known as the Montauk Project.

     The research and experimentation alleged to have occurred in the subterranean facility beneath Camp Hero, which include psychotronic and electromagnetic mind control operations of a very extreme nature, and also interdimensional and time manipulations and travel, may no doubt strike some readers as bordering on science fiction. However, a careful perusal of numerous investigative reports and news stories, Congressional hearings, scientific papers, and relevant federal documents  will show that in fact many different types of electromagnetic mind manipulation technologies have been thoroughly tested and developed by intelligence agencies and other groups; the trail   goes back a good fifty years or more and these technologies are well understood, quite effective, and in widespread use.

     As well, a complete study of the more recent concepts and developments in quantum physics shows very widespread support for theories which provide for the possibility, even likelihood, of the development of methods to accomplish "travel" both  in time and in other dimensions. For example, in March 1994 Scientific American published a paper by David Deutsch and Michael Lockwood which concluded flatly that nothing in the currently known laws of physics prohibits such excursions. In fact, the burden of proof is now far and away upon the doubters of time and dimensional travel to make their case that such are impossible.

     A number of the great minds in contemporary physics -- including but not limited to Nick Herbert, Kip Thorne, Frank Tipler, Fred Allen Wolf, Michio Kaku, Steven Hawking (a recent and enthusiastic convert) and Paul Halpern -- postulate that time travel can in fact be achieved. It can be said conclusively, proven beyond any doubt within the framework of contemporary science, that parallel dimensions exist -- "probable" realities to us, apparently infinite in number; our familiar 3D time/space continuum is but one manifestation.

     Fundamentally, it is our consciousness which in some way literally brings into being the dimension or reality we experience, manifesting it from what are to us realms of infinite potentials. This was demonstrated in a mathematical form known as Von Neumann's Proof, developed by Hungarian-born physicist Janus Eric Von Neumann and published in the 1930's in his book The Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Physics, known even today as "the bible" among quantum physicists. (More about Von Neumann later.) Other developments have demonstrated that time as it is commonly conceived of, a linear progression from past to present to future, does not ultimately exist.

      Experiments conducted at Columbia University in the early 1970s proved that a decision made by an observer/researcher which determines whether or not a photon has traveled as a wave or a particle (by either causing or not causing wave interference), and which is made after the photon is emitted into a multi-mirrored device (which considerably delays its journey), will also determine the state of that photon at the time it is emitted -- showing that the present does affect the past and thus the future can affect the present. Therefore all time is in actuality simultaneous; what we call past and future exist "now". The past isn't gone and the future isn't yet to come. Then where are they? In another dimension. Similar alterations to traditional concepts about space, in particular vast distances, must ensue from such scientifically accepted facts.

     Another body of research used extensively in top secret projects involving ultra-advanced technologies is that of Nikola Tesla, a towering scientific genius and the true father of our present-day AC electrical system, who as far back as the turn of the century had reportedly developed such technologies as particle beam and antigravity devices, wireless power transmission, psychotronics, and "free" energy, to name a few. Much of his work remains only dimly comprehended by many scientists even today. Tesla and his inventions figured prominently in the legendary "Philadelphia Experiment" which was in fact part of the Phoenix Project research.

     It must be pointed out to those revisionists who discount the reality of the Philadelphia Experiment and also to those whose minds boggle at the contemplation of such subjects, that there is ample evidence in the public record alone, (newspapers, magazines, periodicals, etc.), showing that in the later 1930s and early 1940s Naval Intelligence and other agencies were indeed wholeheartedly researching radar cloaking technology with the top minds in physics, including John Hutchinson, Emil Kurtenhour, Albert Einstein, Von Neumann and Tesla. Although not often discussed then or now, literal sight invisibility was also a subject of considerable interest in this work. Sites for this research were first the University of Chicago and then later The Institute for Advanced Studies, a front organization for groups connected to the one-world government conclave -- the Council of Rhodes.

     It's perhaps noteworthy that Tesla maintained research facilities at Shoreham, Long Island, not far from Montauk. Shoreham is reputed to be a geomagnetic "hot spot" or power point, although not of the same magnitude as Montauk is. This subject will be explored more later in this report.


     Some of the most startling information now available regarding such highly classified research and experimentation in ultra-advanced physics, the resultant technologies, and the uses to which such were put can be found in the Montauk Project  book series by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon, which provide extensive details on recent activities of the Phoenix Project.

     Following the Philadelphia Experiment in 1943, an early attempt at "Stealth" (radar invisibility) and according to some sources literal invisibility as well, which by most accounts ended in uncontrollable and nightmarish failure, such interdimensional research was put on hold while the A-bomb was developed and WW2 was fought and won, certainly against Japan. (In regard to the war against Nazi Germany, however, the outcome was not as clear-cut and decisive as the history books might have one believe -- certainly no atomic bombs were dropped -- and we shall find out more about this further on.) In the late 1940s, realizing that the Phoenix Project lines of research, if properly harnessed, controlled and developed, had astonishing and un-dreamed-of possibilities, clandestine government agencies reopened Pandora's Box.

     The worst problems encountered during the Philadelphia Experiment were the extraordinarily destructive and bizarre effects on the human beings who were aboard the battleship used in the experiment. The ship and crew allegedly disappeared from sight for some time: devastating psychological damage as well as horrifying physical results such as sailors being embedded in the metal of the ship when it did reappear (rematerialize) were reportedly some of these effects.

     Janus Von Neumann, who was the director of the Philadelphia Experiment, (staying on after Tesla had quit in disgust over his concern about just such effects upon people) was called upon to find out more regarding how human beings were impacted by entering other time-space dimensions and to develop technology which could allow people to do so without severe damage. Von Neumann, who unlike Tesla had little use for metaphysics or parapsychology, soon found himself unable to avoid coming to terms with both the psychic and spiritual aspects of human beings in addition to the material or physical level. Suffice it to say that some element of a person, often called a spirit or soul, must remain in sync with his/her original time-space lock which begins at the time of physical conception (incarnation) while transferring to or returning from other dimensions, if such wide scale destructive results are to be avoided. Von Neumann, exercising once again his prodigious mental abilities, came up with the world's first electronic computer, which had the capability to calculate certain time-space referencing factors with absolute precision -- a necessity for what was to be accomplished; in addition, psychotronic equipment was created which could receive, reconfigure and transmit radio-type frequencies generated by thoughts from the human mind (frequencies which do exist and can be picked up by what are commonly called "psychics" (no, they're not all phony); and by extension, devices which could externally and artificially alter or "control" people's minds.

     Among the early objectives of the Phoenix Project have been (and are still! [see info on Project HAARP further on]) achieving weather control capabilities. Secret agencies of the U.S. government and groups associated with such received a big boost in this area, and in development of psychotronic technologies in general, from the research and work of Wilhelm Reich, a veritable genius in a variety of fields; scientific, medical, psychological and metaphysical. Reich demonstrated by extensive experimentation that a form of electromagnetic energy he termed "orgone" energy had a significant impact on psychological states of mind as well as upon such phenomenon as weather conditions.

     Regarding the latter, Reich donated his weather-related discoveries and technology to the U.S. government for no financial compensation, as he himself was pursuing other implications of his discoveries. Reich's weather control technology was utilized and further developed by the government, and integrated with other aspects of the Phoenix Project. Partly due to pressure from the AMA, Reich was mercilessly hounded and harassed by federal agents and his Long Island laboratory and research destroyed; he was in fact imprisoned for, among other charges, practicing medicine without a license.

     A number of researchers including Preston Nichols assert that the Phoenix Project technologies were developed and perfected to a high degree, to a large extent at facilities on Long Island such as Brookhaven National Labs. Much of this was legitimately funded until the late 1960s when Congress, upon being informed by Brookhaven Labs, Siemens/ITT, A.I.L. and other contractors of the advanced developmental state of, and great effectiveness of, the psychotronic and mind control aspects of the project, prudently decided to end such research at once and for good lest such technology fall into the wrong hands and be used in unacceptable ways. This may have been one of the few recent Congressional actions displaying any real backbone, but unfortunately, the technology was already in the "wrong" hands.

     Dismayed by the action of Congress, project directors approached certain members of the intelligence and military hierarchies in secret and unconstitutionally conspired to continue this experimentation, again in secret, at the recently closed down Montauk Air Force Station. Janus Von Neumann was once more made senior scientific director as the Phoenix Project avenues of research were taken to extraordinary new heights. This, the so-called "Montauk Project" specifically, dealt for the most part with psychotronic and interdimensional areas of experimentation. Electromagnetic mind control experiments using high-powered radio frequency transmissions were conducted continually upon visiting servicemen and women "invited" to the base for R&R; upon the population at large in surrounding communities; and most incredibly, upon numerous abducted children.

     There are definite indications and testimony that the Montauk Point military facilities were the site of psychological and mind (control) research even before 1969; according to researchers Camp Hero had been known as a "psych" base ever since its inception not long after the federal government acquired the land in 1910 through outright trickery, fraud and deception practiced against its rightful owners -- the Montauk Indian tribe.

     Substantial evidence from numerous sources shows that our federal government's intelligence agencies are responsible for an astonishing assortment of mind control experiments and projects, dating back at least 50 years. The Napa (CA) Sentinel ran a lengthy series in 1991  which provided a fairly comprehensive overview of the general "state-of-the-art" in mind control activities in the U.S.; the Washington Post has run some good  coverage on the CIA's and NSA's hellacious abuses in this field. The Church (Senate) Committee  hearings during the 1970s into the practices of the CIA, NSA and the like in such matters really only scratched the surface of a sordid , brutal and little-known aspect of the U.S. intelligence services' record in this type of experimentation -- almost always involving complete abject abuse of and disregard for constitutional, civil and human rights. In 1994 the Senate Committee on Veteran’s Affairs (chaired by John D. Rockefeller) held hearings into the practices of military and intelligence groups regarding their use of unwitting, unsuspecting "subjects" in a substantial portion of the so-called research done into fields such as testing the effects of chemical/biological weapons and the uses of drugs and configured EM/RF transmissions in mind (and body) control.

     At Montauk, to simplify considerably, the basic "research" agenda was as follows. Extremely gifted and rigorously trained psychics were hooked up via psychotronic equipment to computers which converted the waveforms of their thoughts to (digital) computer code, and also relayed the waveforms to exceptionally high-powered EM/RF transmitters which broadcast thought, mind and consciousness-altering signals. According to accounts, certain experiments achieved materialization, at varying levels of stability and solidity, of objects visualized by the psychics whose thoughts were then broadcast, as well as teleportation effects. (IBM’s Web site is currently [5/97] displaying a blurb about their research and intended development of teleportation technology.)

     By the late 1970s at Montauk, furthermore, very advanced experimentation was undertaken in the controlled "warping" of space and time, utilizing some of Tesla's (long since dead), Von Neumann's and others' ideas and inventions. Tremendously powerful electrical currents flowing in specific configurations generated electromagnetic fields which created in effect a working "Tipler cylinder". To simplify once more, psychics were again utilized to visualize and stabilize a target "destination" in a different time/space dimension which the "vortex" would then be focused upon. The Tipler cylinder, a concept formulated by the aforementioned physicist Frank Tipler, is presently one of the most widely accepted theoretical models in quantum physics of how to create an artificial, controllable "black hole", thereby achieving time-space and dimensional shifting and even the ability to effect alterations and manipulations of our time-space continuum.

     Some of this sounds quite exciting, amazing, even wonderful, and certainly in some ways it probably is. However, to a great extent such activities were and are done with absolutely no regard for the effects on the people experimented upon; furthermore, this work is done with the full intention of using the knowledge and capabilities gained to more thoroughly and completely subjugate humanity with ever-more-powerful and pervasive control of our consciousness: in fact, and   literally if we remember Von Neumann's Proof, "reality engineering".

     According to Preston Nichols, an unquestionably brilliant radio-electronics engineer who worked often in the Montauk Project in an altered state of mind while simultaneously employed by Brookhaven National Labs (such alternate awareness can be achieved with variations of psychotronic technologies) -- and also according to other first-hand participants in certain of these experiments -- some of the youngsters abducted and so viciously abused in these activities died as a result and were buried en masse on site! The human tragedy attested to here begins to rival such indelible atrocities as the Pol-Pot massacres or Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen in its horror and brutality. The fact that this was done to American children on American soil by agencies connected, however tenuously, to our government is virtually unimaginable; yet as we have discovered, many of the assertions made by Phoenix/Montauk investigators have been checked out and verified.

     As mentioned, the Montauk Project crashed and burned in August 1983, sabotaged from within by certain key participants who could no longer tolerate what was going on. A time tunnel type linkup with the Philadelphia Experiment exactly forty years previously (August 12, 1943) was allegedly achieved then -- apparently an attempt by project operators to repair or undo damage they felt had been done to the time-space continuum during the 1943 experiment; thereafter, the project ended temporarily, as described, with the surface of the property being then donated to N.Y. State


     Even a brief inspection of this location will reveal massive inconsistencies and glaring anomalies in the current administration of the area by N.Y. State Parks: a series of investigations of the nearly 400 acre facility show that its designation and administration is very irregular and quite suspicious.

     Although it's a supposedly hazardous, toxic, derelict installation, off-limits to the public until cleaned up, virtually no "clean-up" has been done after thirteen years. The vehicle entrance has a new high security gate and fencing with key and combination lock, and is heavily posted with restricted entry and no trespassing signs, yet the signs and fencing which identify and delineate the restricted area are spotty or nonexistent along thousands of feet of the boundary (ironically, especially in residential areas).

     At the same time, numerous authorities patrol the base continuously, but in a peculiar "off duty" sort of mode. They usually wear no identifying badges or uniforms and are thus in an unofficial capacity -- not required to identify themselves or the source of their authority: warnings to keep out of the area and threats of arrest (and more) are delivered "unofficially" but very forcefully. New York State Police, State Park Police, and East Hampton Town Police also patrol the area and enforce the off-limits restriction as well. It seems obvious that the perimeter of this restricted area is so unevenly and irregularly identified and patrolled in order to avoid calling any undue attention to the location.

     N.Y. State Parks officials, including Park Supervisor George Larsen, are extremely evasive and deceptive when questioned about these points and about the actual status of the area, as well as their administration of it. Certain backyards in the neighborhoods directly adjacent to Montauk AF Station, which in some cases definitely house base employees and security personnel, have paths that lead right into the supposedly restricted, or hazardous property, of which videotaped evidence exists.

     Also, there is a major exception to the enforcement of the off-limits restriction, and considering the charges made concerning some of the activities here, it's a rather sinister exception. Children and teenagers have been spotted quite frequently inside the perimeter and are not thrown out or even approached when observed by security personnel. Videotaped evidence exists of this, and also of children riding bikes and climbing structures in this so-called hazardous, toxic, restricted area, which is apparently not off-limits to them.

     National Guard and other military units do conduct what seem to be legitimate training exercises on the property. Are these service people being deliberately put in an unsafe, unhealthy and dangerous environment? It wouldn't seem likely, but if so, would be yet another bizarre, scandalous and distressing abuse to add to the long list of such reported to occur so regularly at this location. There is as well a substantial amount of testimony from nearby residents and others describing what appears to be ongoing, often nocturnal, non-legitimate activity involving unidentified government/ military personnel at the base.


     Certain incidents have come to light over the past few years which lend further support to some of the allegations about Montauk Project activities. Branches of the CIA, NSA and other agencies have acknowledged conducting numerous and extensive mind control experiments at quite a few locations throughout the 1960s and into the 1970s and 1980s, including the infamous research done at Allen Memorial Institute and McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Dr. Ewen Cameron was head honcho and master of ceremonies there, in another scenario eerily reminiscent of Nazi Germany at its worst -- and not without reason, as we will discover.

     For the unenlightened, there is a substantial amount of information and evidence on the literally countless projects and sub-projects conducted by federal intelligence agencies researching and experimenting with all conceivable forms of mind control – using everything from overt control of basic information available to society at large from fundamental sources such as books, magazines, TV, radio, newspapers, etc., to drugs and electromagnetics, and on to highly structured cult-like "belief system" control groups.. (The Jonestown, Guyana massacre [approximately 700 of the 900+ victims were homicides, not suicides] in 1979 was a prime example of a CIA drug/cult mind control project run amok -- [which perhaps was the idea!] -- a fact studiously avoided in most mainstream media coverage of the tragedy.)

     Using EM/RF signals (and drugs), workable technologies have been developed which can: manipulate basic psychological states; interfere with coherent mental functioning and motor reflexes; control the autonomic nervous system; transmit "audible" words directly to the brain via pulsed microwaves; create (psychotronic) mind to computer links (utilized by the Air Force with fighter pilots and flight computers and demonstrated on TV); directly interface with both conscious and subconscious thought processes; plant subliminal messages -- especially while targets are in REM sleep ... all this in addition to other capabilities previously noted.

     Of particular interest are the NSA’s massive and extremely advanced nanotech computer arrays which, using satellite links, can locate, catalog, track and scan literally anyone in the United States, by reading (and recording or correlating/matching) the unique bio-electromagnetic "signature" possessed by any and all living beings, and by monitoring mental, physical and emotional states through subtle "evoked" EEG readings picked up by extremely sensitive scanning.

Targeted individuals can then be "interfaced" with by means of the electromagnetic/radio frequency technologies noted. Although this particular technology is reportedly effective upon just about anyone, implantation of biologically-based transceiver chips into subjects make it much more reliable and powerful -- hence the reported plan to have the entire population so implanted at some time. The list just does not end, and as this report is not solely concerned  with the mind control aspects of Montauk, we must move on. I refer the reader to the public libraries and especially the Internet and World Wide Web for some further information on government mind control projects.

     Montauk Project researchers assert that the youngsters abducted for use in the experiments first had their spirits, psyches, personalities, sense of self and mental integrity completely demolished by severe, intensive carefully orchestrated psychosexual abuse until they were suitable to be "reassembled" and reprogrammed via supercomputers using psychotronic, EM/RF, virtual reality and "techno-psychic" technologies into the desired psychological profile, to perform as needed; for use in interdimensional experimentation, as guinea pigs in the unending mind control and psycho-tronics work, as sleeper agents who could be activated by a variety of means – including through use of implanted transceivers, and as a "secret army" which can be called upon by the secret government in times of unusual or severe crises; if they in fact survived the ordeal.

     There is major confirmation that this is actually an established and often used method (in other documented mind control projects) of the intelligence services to create mind controlled, often totally unwitting agents to be used in espionage, assassinations and the like. Bogus child care facilities and phony, cult-like quasi-"religious" groups are some of the means used by intelligence agencies like the CIA to get access to suitable youngsters in situations with the required parameters of control.

     In 1978 (and other years from the mid-70s to the early 80s), virtually the entire state of Oregon was subjected to very unusual electromagnetic transmissions which had unsettling and negative effects on the mood and state of mind of a large percentage of the population. These were monitored and duly reported  by a number of groups such as police, fire and emergency services, radio and TV stations, et cetera. The situation received widespread coverage in the press at the time and there were indications of Soviet involvement; however at least some components of the signals were eventually traced to a U.S. Navy transmitter in California!

     Regarding the use of "psychic" abilities by government agencies, The San Francisco Examiner on Sunday, December 24, 1995 ran a first section article on a CIA-run program at the Stanford Research Institute and other facilities which trained and developed the psychic abilities of persons in the program so that they could be used as psychic "spies". Called Stargate, the program was only one of many such projects; it flourished in the 1980s, and it was especially successful in such activities as remote viewing and other ESP-related phenomenon. Other experiments included psychokinesis, where random processes were influenced by the mind, and also mind control by psychic interference. Sensing where a target subject was and what they were doing were some more of the abilities researched in this program. A great amount of information on remote viewing and other controlled , directed psychic operations, often conducted   by intelligence and military agencies, has been made public in the past year or so.

     The August 1995 issue of Popular Science carried a piece which provided much information about a recent government project called HAARP (High-frequency Active Aural Research Program); information which again bolsters certain assertions made by Montauk/ Phoenix investigators. In addition to the esoteric but somewhat more mundane capabilities and functions made public regarding this technology, the entire ionosphere of Earth can be configured to perform as an incredibly powerful, global, ultra-wide-spectrum frequency transceiver by beaming high-frequency radio energy into it.

     Project HAARP is being operated by the Navy and Air Force, along with Phillips Labs and additional  parties. HAARP technology causes tremendous energy changes in specified ionospheric regions, allowing it to be configured as a virtual lens and virtual mirror (for the enhancement of or interference with certain RF transmissions), as a transmitter, as a method for wireless power transmission (exactly what Nikola Tesla had been working on for the government at the beginning of the 20th century) and numerous other ways.  The innocuous-sounding publicized goals for HAARP activities are belied by evidence produced by authors of the recent book Angels Don’t Play This HAARP. According to documents uncovered by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning in the course of their research, some of the objectives of this project detailed in official (internal) Air Force documents include, among other horrors, utilizing various electromagnetic (RF) signals to cause deleterious, injurious, even lethal physical and mental effects upon targeted population groups, not excluding -- in blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution -- so-called domestic enemies (the latter defined plainly therein as "people who don't agree with us"). Also directly indicated in certain documents is the use of transmissions to interact with, interface and "interrogate" the MINDS of targeted groups. This means electromagnetic mind control. Such activities can be implemented anywhere on the face of the Earth. Other potential applications for HAARP technology include:

  • Enhancement of or interference with communications, as well as development of new types of radio transmissions

  • Manipulation of weather patterns

  • Weapons-related and mind control uses, as indicated above

  • Earth-penetrating tomography  --   an X-ray like function which can reveal, for example, the existence of underground installations (like Montauk!), as well as oil or mineral deposits

  • Detection of electromagnetic seismic activity which may precede earthquakes -- and triggering of such activity

  • Generation of gravitic waves, interdimension/time "portals" and other highly esoteric, relativistic phenomena

  • Drawing energy from the ionosphere

  • "Pushing the envelope" in terms of pumping electromagnetic energy into the ionosphere, just to see what happens

     According to the vast majority of scientists (independent of any governmental affiliation) interviewed by the authors, the potential for catastrophic, snowballing damage to our ionosphere and indeed the entire electromagnetically interrelated web of life on this planet as a result of this particular project is extreme. This is a horrifying activity which has unimaginable global environmental risks, as well as certain completely unconstitutional objectives. Read  Angels Don’t Play This HAARP by Dr. Nicholas Begich and Jeane Manning to get the whole story.

     HAARP technology could be capable of many or all of the effects and processes of the Phoenix/Montauk Projects and the other EM/RF mind control projects noted, as well as genetic modification, "brain police", and other similar frightening functions. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning have reported on 435 megahertz transmissions which have been monitored in association with HAARP activity; signals which Mr. Nichols has determined are directly in the mind-interface range and havebeen used extensively in the mind control and psychotronic experimentation I've reported herein. The implications of this are staggering and horrifying, as the potential now obviously exists to implement such functions on a worldwide basis.


     Investigators of the Montauk Project state that the Montauk Point location was chosen not by chance, but because it is a very important "power spot" on the Earth, due to geomagnetic factors of great scientific significance.

     It is common knowledge and accepted fact in geophysics and related sciences that certain areas of the Earth’s surface are geomagnetic "hot spots" where gravitational, magnetic and electromagnetic anomalies occur, including effects on certain EM/RF activities, and this is in fact one of the primary reasons cited by HAARP proponents for situating the main (as far as we know!) HAARP facility in Gakona, Alaska.

      Richard Hoagland, an ex-NASA scientist who assembled a team which a great deal of intensive research into what appear to be a Sphinx-like "face", pyramids and other structures on the Martian surface, has deciphered a mathematical formula encoded in the angles and relationships of the structures making up the Martian complex (known as Cydonia) which he calls tetrahedral geometry or tetrahedral physics. The basic elements of the formula are, (and I simplify considerably), as a sphere such as a planet is rotated on an axis, specific points on the surface of the sphere become the focus or portal for upwellings of energy originating in other dimensions. The most notable of these coincide with where the points of a tetrahedron inscribed within the sphere would intersect the surface of the sphere. Other than at the poles, these points would be at 19.5 degrees north and south latitude. On Earth it’s the Hawaiian Islands, on Jupiter it’s the Great Red Spot, and so on. According to the tetrahedral formula other locations are also "power" spots, including that of Cydonia itself. On Earth some additional points are said to include Giza (and the famous pyramids) in Egypt, Machu Piccu (on the same longitude as Montauk), and Stonehenge.

     When English and other European settlers reached eastern Long Island's shores in the early 1600s, the Montauk Indians and other closely connected tribes lived in the region. The Montauks are an Algonquin tribe, recognized in fact by many Algonquins to be the primary or leading tribe. A great many Native American Indians, including Montauks and most Algonquins, believe that Turtle Cove, immediately adjacent to and between both Montauk Point and Camp Hero, is indeed a major power point -- a "stargate" or interdimensional vortex and the source of our reality or creation. The Montauk Indians are considered the guardians of this spot. (The created world, which as far as many tribes knew was just North America, was called Turtle Island.)


     A noteworthy point is that the chiefs or sachems of the Montauks have held the name of Pharaoh throughout their history, long before any white people had arrived to impart such a name to them, and the name Pharaoh appears nowhere else on Earth except for Egypt. Archaeological evidence indicates that the Montauk Indians inhabited this region continuously for at least 8,000 years. As Montauk is geologically distinct from Long Island and North America, it could theoretically be a remnant of the Atlantean continent, and the name Pharaoh could have been derived from Atlantis both in Egypt and Montauk.

     Historical accounts from previous centuries attest that pyramidal structures did exist at one time at or near Turtle Cove, and various elders of the tribe recall hearing about them. Preston Nichols and Peter Moon theorize in their Montauk Project book series that the Montauk Indians are a remnant of a very ancient Atlantean civilization, as was Ancient Egypt.

     This location, both in ancient times and currently, and the activities that secret government agencies (with their extensive ties to Masonic type "brotherhoods") are allegedly conducting there are vitally important to the human race and its future on earth.

     Another curiosity is the name "Camp Hero". The word hero is derived from the Greek word for the Egyptian god Horus, among whose attributes are the ability to see into other realities as well as backwards and forwards in time. Although this name was given to the region relatively recently by the federal government (read: Theodore Roosevelt -- a Master Mason who owned a large tract of tribal land very close to Turtle Cove) it certainly correlates perfectly with what the Montauk Indians and other tribes believed about this location. As noted, Camp Hero was known for being a "psych base" since its inception as a government military facility. (George Washington, another Master Freemason with many compadres in the Montauk area, commissioned the Montauk lighthouse and oversaw it's construction).

     It seems that members of certain organizations or agencies either already knew that this was a very significant spot on Earth or else soon found it out, and over several hundred years systematically and deliberately manipulated the Montauk Indians into leaving their tribal lands and burial grounds east of what is now the hamlet of Montauk.

     Thomas Jefferson made a substantial effort in the early 1800’s to personally go to Montauk and record as much of the Montauk's history, language and culture as he possibly could. (Although the language of the Montauk Indians has now almost completely vanished, there are substantial indications that it was in fact closely related to Vril, a so-called Enochian language of extreme antiquity.) Obviously Jefferson, another Master Mason, considered the material to be rather important.

Jefferson later claimed to have lost much of the material in a boating mishap, but it seems odd that he wouldn't have returned to Montauk to redo the missing work if it was so important in the first place, and could indicate that his story was untrue and that instead the information was hidden away.


     The machinations against the tribe and the unceasing attempts to get the Montauk Indians away from the land at Montauk Point and vice versa culminated in an outrageous, vicious and indefensible 1910 N.Y. court decision which declared the Montauk Indians to be "extinct" even as some sat there in the courtroom; a particular tactic used against no other tribe in North America. Significantly, construction of military facilities at Turtle Cove began almost immediately after this court decision. In fact, hundreds of Montauks are still alive today, and this is a definite factor in the federal government's decision to turn Camp Hero/Montauk AF Station over to N.Y. State after their purported abandonment of the surface facilities.

     There is an existing federal law called the Non-Intercourse Act which says that the ownership of any land once inhabited by American Indians which is occupied and then relinquished by the U.S. government, must revert to those original inhabitants; in this case that would be the Montauk Indians, except that they are conveniently "extinct" by court order. However that was a N.Y. State court decision not necessarily binding upon the federal government. Obviously the federal government did not want the Indians to have the property as that would seriously interfere with clandestine operations there. If the Montauks can, as they are attempting to do, achieve full legal recognition as an existing tribe, the federal government would be forced to abide by the terms of the Non-Intercourse Act and return the Camp Hero property to them, whom it obviously belongs to -- with no funny business about retaining rights to subterranean facilities.


     According to many of those who have investigated the numerous projects, programs and such which have been discussed in this article, there does exist some sort of international worldwide super-government hidden behind the scenes of the great world stage, so to speak; pulling the strings which have a substantial impact on the outcome of many world events -- events often instigated and manipulated by these very same groups. Very little, if anything which might have any significant effect on the human race socially, politically, economically or even spiritually just happens unless this hidden control group intends it to happen, or at least allows it to.

     Such a phenomenon as the Third Reich would most definitely fall within this category. Not only did many prominent persons openly support Hitler and some of the stated objectives of the Nazi movement before the onset of WW2 in Europe, but before, during and mostly after the war untold thousands of high-level Nazi Party members, top scientists and intelligence officers came to the U.S. and worked for the U.S. government, and not just in the aerospace fields as is commonly thought. Indeed, our intelligence services received the biggest infusion of all; the newly-formed CIA and even more secretive NSA and other agencies like the DIA employed numerous ex-Nazis and incorporated a great many of the Nazis' intelligence methods and techniques as well as a vast amount of "research" and data resulting from one of the most hideous "projects" of all time -- the Nazi death camps. Many allegations and rumors continue to persist that large numbers of other high-ranking Nazis escaped to various South American countries assisted again by American intelligence and military agencies, where they continue to foment events conducive to their unwavering political and philosophical intentions.

     Coupled with the fact that there was no full and unconditional surrender on the part of the Third Reich, only a cease-fire agreement, one must allow for the possibility that there is more to the story than was publicly disclosed -- that perhaps the Nazis were not really defeated but were to some extent incorporated into our government. There are undeniably strong indications of a substantial Nazi/Aryan involvement in the Montauk Project and many other similar endeavors.


     A conclusion can reasonably be drawn at this point from this wealth of evidence which is really blazingly obvious: certain clandestine groups or agencies have conducted and continue to conduct extremely sensitive, classified top-secret activities in subterranean facilities beneath Camp Hero/Montauk AF Station with the tacit cooperation and at times, assistance of the N.Y. State Parks system as well as various other governmental bodies.

     Hard evidence as to exactly what activities have been and are being conducted in the Phoenix/Montauk Project, (and other such), which agencies are responsible, and who the victims of this research are will likely be difficult to come by and will take a sustained and intensive investigation by dedicated people; certainly one must expect the agencies and groups involved to be less than forthcoming and honest regarding any of this. However, incidents of threats, intimidation, abuse and gun-pointing directed against our citizens such as those described at the beginning of this report are quite verifiable: they are an absolute and unacceptable outrage and strongly indicate that something very nasty and extremely underhanded and secretive is still going on certainly at Montauk AF Station's subterranean laboratories, and undoubtedly at other locations worldwide.

     Such incidents represent an obvious violation of every implicit and explicit contract between any legitimate government and its people; the time is long overdue for the local and national citizenry to take a deep and serious look into the real situation at such locations and the major ramifications thereof, assisted, one hopes, by a concerned and unfettered free press and legitimate, responsive governmental organizations. We must demand a full public accounting for these atrocious activities from those found responsible, in addition to restitution to those injured parties in whatever way possible.

     If secret agencies of government operating without the knowledge or consent of any duly-elected constitutional authority are intent on continuing their clandestine, illegal, unconstitutional and malevolent endeavors at this location, at the very least the areas must be clearly and unequivocally designated, fenced, posted and patrolled as such.

     This is what is being done outside the perimeter of the Area 51 section of Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, where in May of 1995 the Air Force seized over 4,000 acres from the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) adjacent to Area 51 and top-secret S4 at Nellis. This action was taken to prevent the public from getting too close to the very highly classified research being conducted there involving either terrestrial or non-terrestrial aerospace craft displaying antigravity characteristics, witnessed by many thousands of people previously.

    Of course, experiments conducted upon unknowing and helpless subjects and most definitely the use of kidnapped children in any such experiments must cease immediately and those responsible brought to justice. The totally sneaky and underhanded way that Camp Hero/Montauk AF Station is being administered currently is enough to indicate that very unpleasant and malicious things are still occurring: unlike the situation at Nellis, at Montauk they don't even want you to know that there is something you are not supposed to know!

     The family mentioned at the beginning of this report which was subjected to hostile, threatening, abusive, inappropriate and completely unprofessional behavior by a purported N.Y. State Parks employee in April 1995 is pursuing legal action as a result of the incident. Preliminary investigations have so far failed to turn up any valid N.Y. State Parks employment records for this individual. Furthermore, he identified himself three separate times in subsequent phone conversations with this investigator as at present an employee of the Montauk AF Station -- a federal designation for a supposedly long derelict facility! These conversations were recorded. An interesting follow-up on this point -- when Parks Supervisor George Larsen was asked why one of his employees would state that their employer was "Montauk Air Force Station", he became extremely agitated and upset, stammering "I have no idea", and refused to talk about these matters any further, referring me to the N.Y. State Parks legal department in Babylon (L.I.), N.Y.

     In the same vein, on a recent sortie to the vicinity of the main entrance of the base to do some further "snooping", I was momentarily surprised when a N.Y. State Parks maintenance vehicle exited through the gate and the driver stopped to ask me what I was doing there. [The new (state park) restricted area signs marking the "old" (US Air Force) inner perimeter of base property are about 300 yards back up the entrance road, right past a turnoff into the small nearby neighborhood.] I made up an excuse that I was looking for Washington Avenue, one of the streets in the adjacent housing area, and he replied, "I think that’s back up the road to the right. This here is the Air Force Base! Okay... indeed, so it is!


     A number of other serious side issues have been raised by investigators of the Montauk Project. One of the most notable is that funding for these secret, unconstitutional operations comes largely from the importation and sale of tremendous quantities of illegal hard drugs. This operation involves an extensive network of accomplices and associates in the underworld and organized crime elements.

     Regional law enforcement agencies including East Hampton Town Police have been charged by some with a consistent policy of "looking the other way" as drug smugglers' boats unload their cargo onto Eastern Long Island's numerous and often remote beaches at night, signaled by bonfires lit by pick-up crews on shore. Ordinances prohibiting nighttime fires on beaches in this area are notoriously unenforced, much to the consternation of a great many East Hampton Town residents and officials: and, just a quick car or plane ride away is the biggest, most densely populated marketplace in the country -- New York City.

     According to an informed source with the U.S. Justice Dept., the Long Island, N.Y. area has literally no (zero) federal drug smuggling cases pending, and there have been very few, if any such cases for a number of years now in the Long Island area. This is, of course, in stark contrast to much of the United States' borders and coastline, and must be viewed with some suspicion. Organized crime elements (Mafia) working in conjunction with clandestine NSA and CIA units, are said to be strongly connected to these aspects of the Montauk Project, and also to be responsible for a percentage of the victims procured for experimentation, which as noted usually involve teenage Caucasian males.


     On the scientific front there is strong evidence, detailed by Nichols in his most recent book Pyramids of Montauk, which indicates particle accelerators are in use at Montauk Air Force Station and at nearby facilities -- such as Brookhaven Labs -- for powering interdimensional experiments, particle beam weapons, HAARP transmissions (see above), and exotic particle beam radar systems.

     The peculiarities and lack of any credible answers in the crash of TWA flight 800 have led some investigators of clandestine activities on Long Island to suspect the involvement of Montauk Project operations in the crash; in particular, the use of particle beam weapons, powered by these subterranean particle accelerators. According to information from a former federal agent connected to the Montauk Project, it is a certainty that particle beam operations were involved in the crash. This aspect of the Montauk Project has not been researched very deeply in this report; in Pyramids of Montauk, Preston Nichols does provide some information on the general subject. And what or whom are these weapons being used against?

     Mr. Nichols told me that in August 1995 he was informed directly by an Air Force colonel stationed at Montauk named Ciel Roth that the particle beam technology has been developed for use as a weapon. Information relayed by active agents to a former federal intelligence agent with ties to the Montauk project indicates that it is certain that particle beam operations at Brookhaven Labs triggered the catastrophe.

     According to an item in The Montauk Pulse explaining the events and described as a rumor; "On the date of the crash, military maneuvers were being conducted in the vicinity of Center Moriches. A low flying (tactical) nuclear missile, which was deactivated, was discharged in simulated battle from a low flying plane. It was aimed at a heat-generating target which was trailing behind a C-130. A malfunction caused the heat generator to cease whereupon the missile locked in on Flight 800. The missile was designed to circle above its target. It was never meant to hit anything. In the midst of these errant maneuvers, the particle beam at Brookhaven Labs activated the nuclear mass in the warhead by supplying neutrons to make the fissionable material go to critical mass. Quite simply, it was the particle beam which set off the nuclear device. Of course, when a nuclear blast occurs, it leaves a residue of radiation. This explains why debris retrievers were seen wearing radiation suits.

     "...Additionally, green streaks have been reported over Long island by many different pilots. It is becoming old hat. These green streaks are caused by atmospheric reaction with the particle beam."

     Some investigators aren't so sure the crash was accidental, as certain French intelligence agents were apparently on board. The area of Long Island where the jet went down, Westhampton, has been identified by Nichols and others as having particle accelerator and particle beam technology operating in underground facilities, and is in close proximity to Brookhaven National Labs, cited as a major player in clandestine operations in this region beyond any doubt.

     The severe and extensive brushfires in this area of Long Island in August 1995 were allegedly caused by certain particle accelerator/particle beam operations (or malfunctions), and in fact these fires were the primary reason that Mr. Nichols was asked to meet with the above-mentioned Col. Roth. This was apparently an attempt on the part of the Air Force to ascertain whether or not Nichols could shed some light on what was going wrong with the interlinked series of subterranean accelerators between Brookhaven Labs and Montauk Point.

     A question that comes to mind at this point is to what extent local governments are aware of the secret operations being conducted in their vicinity, and also to what extent some of them are actually involved in the operations themselves or in covering up the truth. Its impossible to believe there isn't some awareness of the situation on the part of local governments; certainly New York State and its State Parks Department are thoroughly aware that federal agencies are firmly ensconced in the Montauk underground beneath the off-limits "Camp Hero State Park".

     Other examples of clandestine, unethical, unconscionable, horrific and unconstitutional government "research" operations on Long Island would be the genetic and biological research and experimentation leading to the development of the AIDS virus, the "Gulf War Syndrome", Lyme disease, biological & chemical weapons, etc., at facilities like Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories and Plum Island Disease Research Facility (several miles offshore from Montauk and totally restricted -- even the airspace above). Dr. Leonard Horowitz of Harvard University has chronicled the role these and other institutions have played in the creation of deadly new diseases such as the "Gulf War Syndrome" and the horrifying uses which they have been and are being put to in his book Emerging Viruses --  Aids and Ebola.


     Several Congressional investigative groups have reportedly looked into the charges made concerning Camp Hero/Montauk AF Station, due in large part to the information in the books by Preston Nichols and  Peter Moon and accounts offered by numerous witnesses. Mr. Nichols and others do have first-hand knowledge of what did and does transpire there, and they continue their efforts to bring to light the clandestine use of the well documented and vast underground installation there. Charges have been made that Congressional investigators are currently being duped, misled and just plain lied to in their attempts to determine how the base remained in operative status after being closed in 1969, and in their attempts to discover what kinds of activities have been and are being conducted there after legitimate funding for any operations on federal property had ceased.

     People responsible for or involved with disseminating information about the Montauk Project, such as scientist Alfred Bielek, Preston Nichols, and certain journalists, have been subjected to a variety of disturbing and even harmful retaliations. Mr. Bielek, who has been employed by government agencies and private organizations as a research scientist and who has done a great amount of investigation into the entire Phoenix Project, has had his residence bombarded by extraordinarily complex and abnormal electromagnetic and RF transmissions, monitored and recorded by electronics technicians, which have had severe, detrimental physical and psychological effects on him. Mr. Nichols has survived all kinds of slings and arrows; unfortunately not all of them metaphorical, by any means. In early September 1995 and again in May 1996, attempts were made against his life: the former by means of a staged, contrived auto "accident" which left Nichols seriously injured (he's since completely recovered) and the latter by means of a poison nerve gas attack, carried out by the driver of a car who cut Nichols off as he was driving -- forcing him to stop, at which point the gas was released.

     A local Montauk area resident active in publicizing Montauk Project information was threatened and intimidated at a private residence and bizarre messages left on the property, after he somehow had been identified as the person responsible for the posting of flyers and public notices detailing major aspects of the Project. Due to a number of extreme protective measures this individual had taken to keep his identity secret -- for example, the rental car he was using was rented under someone else’s name -- he and his attorney feel certain that there had to be some degree of official involvement at some governmental level, (most likely federal intelligence), for him to have been traced to the residence, where he was in fact only a guest at the time.

     A number of buildings and facilities in the general Montauk area are said by investigators to be connected via underground tunnels to the central subterranean complex, among them a 7-story WW2 Naval Intelligence building downtown, which has ostensibly been converted into private condominium residences. This was in fact the building where Preston Nichols met with Air Force personnel regarding the August, 1995 L.I. wildfires. There is irrefutable documentation proving such tunnels do exist end extend far from the Camp Hero/Air Force Station property. My own investigations proved to me that there are indeed major inconsistencies and peculiarities surrounding certain of these buildings and their supposed functions -- however, in the interests of brevity I won’t elaborate further on that point. The entire present-day hamlet of Montauk, which is about 5 miles west of the Air Force Station and the lighthouse, was basically a military camp (Camp Wykoff) under President (and local resident) Teddy Roosevelt earlier in the century; about a mile north of town on the bay shore was a naval base which became the site of extensive submarine operations during WW2. All these facilities and others were and are connected by means of the tunnel network underlying the entire area.

     Local newspapers ran several articles about the situation at Montauk AF Station last year; after the East Hampton Independent's first article was published late last summer they received a number of calls supporting allegations of clandestine activities at Camp Hero; one from a woman -- afraid to identify herself -- who told them that she was so glad that some information was finally coming out about the situation; also that her husband was currently, at that very time, working in the subterranean facility; she said she knew for a fact that there were nine levels underground and that some of these levels were vast in size.

     The "secret government" and those intelligence and military agencies which comprise and/or maintain it have apparently very nearly completed their mission of thorough domination and control of the more overt means of influencing and molding society through the media and communications. (The Clinton Administration seems determined to introduce major monitoring [not that there isn't any already] and censorship of the Internet.)

     These groups stand ready to use highly developed, perfected, and fully operational electromagnetic/RF technologies like HAARP, the Montauk/Phoenix Project and others which result from an unending list of experimental programs and research projects, to implement operations on a domestic/national scale and a global scale which can have exert very substantial control over moods, emotions, thoughts, health and physiology, the subconscious, and general level of ethical, psychic and even spiritual awareness and development of the human race.

     As well, due to their possession of and willingness to use weapons of mass death and destruction  -- nuclear, chemical and biological, apparently even (in an experimental mode) against men and women in uniform serving their country in the Gulf War, as mounting evidence shows -- and due to the levels of subliminal fear and intimidation this engenders not only within people of other nations but within Americans too; and in addition by controlling the information we the people are actually given, the circle is completed and the takeover can be accomplished.

     It should be clearly stated in closing that none of this information is meant to imply that all intelligence services directors and operatives and all members of the U.S. military high command are responsible for or involved in the projects described herein, nor is it meant to imply that the U.S. government has no right to conduct any legitimate, scientific and defense related research and experimentation in many different fields. The activities with which this report is concerned fall far outside any such legitimate bounds and are operated by agencies unaccountable in any way to duly-elected legislative or executive authorities, in blatant and wholesale disregard for the U.S. Constitution and the rights and protections it affords its people.

          It is undoubtedly high time to wake up and, as they say, smell the garbage.


     When I wrote my report, I intentionally focused for the most part on information which was not of a personal nature, with a few exceptions. This was for a couple of reasons. For one thing, I wanted to be as objective as possible and not come across as a "partisan" or in any way biased. Also, there may have been some fear of linking myself personally to the Project.

     In fact I have had at least two very vivid and clearly anomalous personal events in my past connected to this location near Montauk Point. These have made me realize that there was something very peculiar about the location directly related to myself  -- something completely at odds with my own conscious personal history as well as with my impressions and knowledge of the vicinity.

     Additionally, during my personal investigation into the "Montauk Project" and related matters,  some very peculiar events and circumstances occurred that I did not originally include in the main body of my report. I will now relate this material.

     I spent a good percentage of the first 18-20 years of my life in the general vicinity of Montauk, and thus was quite intrigued by the title of the first of the Montauk Project books (The Montauk Project -- Experiments in Time) after seeing it by chance in a small bookstore nearly 3 years ago.

     When I began reading the book I experienced a strong shock of recognition upon seeing the photo of the base's SAGE radar dish on page 23. Without doubt, I knew I had seen that ominous-looking edifice sometime in the not too distant past (perhaps 5-12 years previously). However, I was puzzled by the fact that in all the time I spent in that area I never had the slightest idea that any such facility as Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station even existed. Absolutely none. I knew that I had never been there -- certainly not while in any normally conscious state of mind. Yet I also knew I had seen that radar dish from a pretty close vantage point -- maybe a couple of hundred feet away at most.

     I explained this apparent discrepancy to myself by postulating that the radar dish was at the extreme eastern end of the base, near to the lighthouse, which is basically the only area of Montauk Point where I had ever spent any time at all. I had never done any substantial hiking around  the area. As my family did not own a car, our trips to the lighthouse were quite infrequent, usually only when a friend or relative with a vehicle was visiting us.

     It was only after a day trip to Montauk Point during a 1995 stay with family in East Hampton, that I realized that in fact the SAGE radar dish is nowhere near the lighthouse. It's a good mile away over rolling terrain and not visible at all from most of the lighthouse area, and my clear and solid memory of seeing the dish from up close could not possibly be explained as having occurred during one of my relatively few trips to the lighthouse.

      While I was at Camp Hero/Montauk Air Force Station that day, April 7  1995, accompanied by my wife and two year old child, some very bizarre incidents took place, as they did on a couple of subsequent visits.

     We approached Camp Hero along Old Montauk Highway, an abandoned roadway which is little more than rubble in most spots, running along the top of the bluffs above the Atlantic shore from the lighthouse through the so called "fisherman's parking lot", past Camp Hero on the south (ocean) side, and connecting with the new highway about two miles west of the point. The (outer) perimeter fencing marking the boundary of Camp Hero is broken down in many spots, and at a spot due south of the SAGE radar dish, we entered a large break in the fencing on a clear and well-traveled footpath. No signs of any kind were posted in this area. We progressed through another broken down fence, which marks the "inner" perimeter of Montauk Air Force Station, also unposted with any signs, and walked along the base roads to the radar dish.

     We spent a little while there during which time I checked the radar dish out from different vantage points in an attempt to recreate the image in my memory. I couldn't find the exact view I remembered but a number of buildings are partly or completely demolished right around there so that could be a factor. The dish itself, however seemed quite familiar.

     We were just leaving the area when suddenly a late model blue pickup truck approached our direction on a road running parallel to the one we were on. The truck screeched to a halt as soon as the driver spotted us. I immediately smiled and waved, and we stopped walking. The driver was obviously checking us out, although he was about a hundred yards away and I couldn't see very clearly. I just smiled and waved again, and we began walking away from the truck back the way we had come, toward the shore, trying to act as innocent and innocuous as possible. The truck then took off.

     I must mention that on this and all subsequent visits to Camp Hero/Montauk Air Force Station I was struck by the overwhelmingly creepy, unpleasant and eerie feeling around the entire facility, as my wife was also. Both of felt strongly that we were being watched the entire time we were in or near the base, and we continually heard rustling in the dense, nearly impenetrable bushes and undergrowth around the property. In addition, several deer literally followed us for long stretches, seeming not just unafraid but almost aggressive. Very strange and quite unlike the behavior of any other deer I've ever been near in my life. There was another rather unsettling incident involving a deer which I will come to shortly.

     Two days later, on Sunday April 9, we returned to Montauk Air Force Station to look around the base some more. We went to another part of the base north of the radar dish, where a number of relatively intact buildings still stand. We noticed some children playing atop a red and white transmitter tower (not the radar dish), which is about 75 feet tall and right next to a building where a State Parks Police officer lives (though I didn't know that at the moment). As we began walking toward this tower, two cars pulled up to a flat topped, white cinder block structure, and about ten people piled out of the cars. One fellow was distinctly older; the rest, mostly male, appeared to be about 18-22 years old. We passed close by the older fellow and he and I said hello to each other. He then walked to the cinder block building with some of the group while the rest of them milled around the cars and the building.

     We continued toward the tower where the kids were still playing and as we approached we saw a State Parks Police car, so we turned around. Going back toward the two cars that had just arrived I saw another man approaching from the direction of the old mess hall and traffic circle. He was pushing a cloth, sling-type baby stroller with large wheels, and my immediate impression was that there was no baby in it. There seemed to be almost no weight in the stroller and he was pushing it roughly and quite fast. He bent down and fiddled with something in the stroller which appeared to be a backpack under a blanket, then went to the door of the white cinder block building and talked to the older fellow who had just driven up. After this the man with stroller continued on in the direction he had been going, passing within a few feet of us. We made eye contact and  nodded in acknowledgement.

     I then began talking to one of the younger fellows who was still standing near the cars, asking half-jokingly if they were doing the "Montauk Project tour". He said he had no idea what was going on around there (not that I asked him if he did!), and that his uncle Charlie had some things stored in the white cinder block building but that it was constantly being broken into.

     The group came out of the cinder block building, and the older guy, who was obviously the group leader, addressed everyone. He said he would show them where he used to live. Both my wife and I clearly heard him say this. I then said to this man that there was a police car parked over that way, just in case it mattered to him.

     The man pushing the stroller was only about 100 feet away, and the instant he heard me make the comment about the police, he quickly turned around and came running towards me, while pulling the stroller behind him. Obviously he didn't want us to see into the stroller.

     He then began to scream at the top of his lungs things like "you bet there's a cop car there, and I can get him right now and have you arrested! What are you doing here? This area is completely off limits to the public," and so on in the same vein. I asked him what the problem was. I said that all the maps show this to be a State Park. I asked what was going on around the area, and said as well that we saw no signs indicating the area was restricted, and why should it be so restricted? He kept yelling and screaming at us, saying that I was lying about the signs as he had put them up himself. I then mentioned that I had been hearing a lot of things about the area recently, and he went nuts again, screaming that anything I had heard was a bunch of lies! I never even said what it was I had heard.

     Finally my wife asked him to please calm down as we both (?) had children with us. He said, "look, he's arguing with me, he's arguing with me", and then he ran off, never going to get the police after all that. I continued to make challenging comments and every time I did he'd turn around, come back and yell in my face with the baby stroller held behind him, then turn and run away. This was some of the most bizarre behavior I'd ever seen.

     He soon got away from us and as far as we could tell he just disappeared. We were at a place where there was a clear view in all directions and he was nowhere to be seen. It's also clear that he didn't have a baby in the stroller; he was pushing it very roughly and was constantly trying to keep us from seeing into it. During our last exchange I was able to get a peek into the stroller and I saw what looked like a doll, mostly covered with a blanket, and a pack.

     I spoke to Preston Nichols later and told him of our experience. He was very interested and said the individual I had encountered with the stroller was most likely Donald Balcuns, officially a State Parks vehicle maintenance worker who is actually a base security guard. Nichols explained that Balcuns had been responsible for getting himself and two others arrested and charged with trespassing in a restricted area, when they weren't even within the inner (restricted) perimeter.

     After speaking with Nichols, I looked up the name Donald Balcuns in the phone book and called him. I explained who I was and that we had just had a big argument earlier that day at Camp Hero, and said I wanted to clarify a few things. Balcuns never missed a beat, and never asked me how I got his name or number. I told Balcuns that I used to live in the area and wanted to check out the relatively new state park property, and that in fact we really didn't see any signs the way we entered the base. I asked him why the area was restricted to the public. Balcuns said that there are toxic materials all around and also that the buildings keep getting vandalized so they have to keep people out. Why these toxic materials and buildings are even there if it has been State Park property for so many  years was not explained. Balcuns also said that he had been driving the blue pickup truck on Friday and had seen me and my family near the SAGE radar dish then.

     It was during this and a later conversation where Balcuns replied affirmatively to my questions as to whether he was an employee of Montauk Air Force Station, officially closed some 26 years previously. Interestingly enough, even after Balcun's became aware that I was a "trespasser" at Camp Hero, he in fact made no move to evict me or call in law enforcement.

     In my conversation with Nichols I also described the events involving the two carloads of people who pulled up to the cinder block building on the base, previous to the blowout with Balcuns. Nichols and Moon both told me that they had met the man who was storing things in that building, that his name was Tom Costello and that he ran the bar and restaurant at Montauk Downs State Park, about three miles west toward Montauk village. They had encountered him on one of their forays into the base, and he told Nichols and Moon he had been  using the building for several years to store some possessions. There was just one problem -- the description they gave for Tom Costello didn't match that of "Uncle Charlie" at all, and I'll return to this point in a moment.

     I was getting a bit bent out of shape at running into all these hassles for going onto property which is supposed to be for public use. I was very curious why children were running around this supposedly highly toxic and hazardous area and were not in any way accosted or told to leave by Balcuns or anyone else. It was becoming more and more obvious that there was something very fishy about the entire setup. Also curious was the fact that much of neighborhood where Balcuns lives, which used to be base housing, has direct, unrestricted access to Camp Hero, as does a baseball field nearby. I decided to return to the area with the purpose of trying to stir things up and get some answers, or at least some kind of reaction.

     First I went to the baseball field just east of Balcun's neighborhood and apparently leased to East Hampton Township. I videotaped the two roads which enter Camp Hero from this field and are locked and posted with no trespassing signs, as well as a stretch of the Camp Hero boundary in between these roads where there is no fencing of any kind ( never mind any no entry signs) for what appears to be at least 500 feet. Children or anyone else can walk right into Camp Hero from the field. What better way to entice kids into an area than to mark it restricted in spots but leave it literally wide open along so much of the perimeter?

     During this time my wife and I noticed an extremely large deer about fifty feet down one of the gated entry roads within Camp Hero. This animal was almost totally black or dark brown. I have never seen such a darkly colored deer. It stood completely still, watching us for some time, and I must say it was a very spooky feeling emanating from this deer. We looked away for an instant and when we looked toward it again it had vanished. After the other incidents with the deer several days previously, I was coming to the tentative conclusion that some of the deer in the area were being somehow utilized by Project operatives as spies, perhaps by being implanted, controlled and monitored; my theory is that the animals' sensory data can be picked up and made accessible to base personnel for security purposes. Nichols told me that this is certainly within the realm of possibility.

     We then went to the area where Mr. Balcuns lives. Here we videotaped open and unlocked gates leading into Camp Hero as well as other areas with no fencing at all. We also observed children riding bikes within the perimeter of the restricted area. Neither Balcuns nor any other security personnel accosted them or interfered with them in any way. There were no signs of any kind in the entire neighborhood prohibiting entry to this so called restricted area! In fact we saw paths which led from private yards directly into Montauk Air Force Station.

     As I was videotaping one of these paths in a backyard on Lincoln Avenue, a man in the yard of the house next door was watching us and scowling while talking rapidly into a portable phone. At this point a woman came out of the house whose yard I was filming, and the man with the portable phone approached me, still talking into his phone. The woman asked why I was filming her house and I replied that I was filming the woods behind her house and the path that led into the woods (Camp Hero property). She asked why, and I said that I didn't wish to tell her, and that I was standing on public property. Apparently I had inadvertently put one foot on the driveway of the house, and at that point the man next door went completely nuts and started screaming at me at the top of his lungs (there seems to be a lot of that around there). He said I was trespassing and that he was calling the police immediately. I took my foot off the driveway and told him to go ahead and call. Things were getting a bit heated. I said loudly that I was a citizen of the United States and I had a right to be on any public street any time and this jerk better not get in my way. He then chilled a bit and told the woman to get our license plate number, which she did. I finished my taping and we drove off.

     Our next stop was Montauk Downs State Park, where we were going to try to find either Tom Costello or "Uncle Charlie" and figure out what that whole business was about. We found Charlie working the bar at Montauk Downs. There were a couple of guys in there, and Charlie consistently tried to avoid making eye contact with me. After the others left, I said hello to Charlie, and mentioned that we'd seen him at Camp Hero two days before. He then admitted he recognized me, commenting that "that guy" (Balcuns) really "went nuts on me" the other day. Charlie added that "they" have lots of problems with Balcuns, but didn't state who "they" were.

     I then attempted to get Charlie to elaborate on why there was such high security at the facility, but he just gave the increasingly bogus-sounding story about toxicity, vandalism etc. As Charlie continued he said that he had stored personal possessions in the flat topped, white cinder block building at Camp Hero for a number of years, and it was a big hassle because it was constantly being broken into. One would certainly have to wonder why he would continue using the building.

     The most bizarre aspect of all this is that Charlie did not fit the description of Tom Costello, didn't claim to be him, and was obviously not Tom Costello; yet according to information I received, it was Costello who had run the restaurant and bar at Montauk Downs for a number of years and used the Camp Hero building for storage! I subsequently discovered that Costello's phone, (address listed as Fairview Drive, right near Montauk Downs State Park) had been disconnected. I then called Montauk Downs, asking for Tom Costello, and was connected to -- you guessed it -- Charlie. Not only did this guy get Tom Costello's job but also apparently at least some of Costello's memories.

     As we were sitting at the bar, I told Charlie that my wife and I had heard him tell his group of young people that he used to live at Camp Hero. His response was immediate and unequivocal. He denied it completely! There is no possibility that we misunderstood him two days previously at the base.

     Returning home from Montauk that evening, we were pulled over by an East Hampton Town Police officer who passed us going the other direction, made a rapid U-turn and stopped and detained us for a good half hour. They had gotten a report about the incident earlier at Lincoln Avenue, and our car fit the description of this "suspicious" vehicle. It was almost dark and there was certainly no shortage of red compacts on the road, so apparently this fairly minor incident of about four hours previous was considered a rather high priority!

     I relayed my version of the Lincoln Avenue events to the young officer, including the fact that I was standing on a public street and had a perfect right to film trees if I wanted to. I told him that I grew up in the area and had moved away, and was visiting my family. I also said that I had been running into all kinds of problems in the vicinity of what was to me a new State Park facility and that I was getting pretty irritated about it. I even mentioned that I'd been filming open accesses to this "restricted" area. What was restricted, and for whom? And why? At this point another police car arrived, so it seems I was considered to be at least somewhat of a risk. An older cop got out who wanted to hear the entire story as well. He then told us that almost all of Camp Hero "State Park" was restricted to the public. He actually even used the word "private". Since when is State Park property private? He went on with the usual spiel about toxicity and what not, and said that our best bet was not to go past the "fisherman's gate" on Old Montauk Highway, way up near the lighthouse. I knew that was complete bulls--t.

     After no doubt running my license and other information through every data bank they could possibly think of, they let me go as they of course had nothing on me.

     I decided after this that it wouldn't be such a good idea to get myself cited and/or arrested for trespassing at Camp Hero as I needed to return to California soon, but I figured I'd still keep trying to shake things up. I went to the Town Police headquarters a few days later, to get their file on the Lincoln Avenue incident. I told them I was considering pressing charges against the individual with the portable phone for making threats against me and my family. The police advised me to be careful about that as I in turn could be charged with false arrest if my claims proved unfounded. Upon going over the incident with my wife we decided that we had not been overtly threatened with physical harm, although the insinuations were made.  However the other incident involving Balcuns seemed a clear violation of State Park rules, and was a very disturbing and threatening experience for me and my family.

     Pursuing that line, I called New York State Park Police headquarters in Babylon and told the officer who answered the phone about the Camp Hero incident. As soon as I mentioned the area, I heard a recording device activate on their end. Once the officer heard my story, he told me that as far as he knew Balcun's superior was a man named George Larsen, superintendent of all the Montauk area state parks. He clearly stated that State Parks Police would not have any authority in this matter, despite the fact that Balcuns was obviously acting as a security guard at Camp Hero.

     My next move was to meet personally with George Larsen at his Montauk Downs office and relate the entire incident to him in great detail. However, before going to see Larsen I had another conversation with Donald Balcuns, in which I asked him who his superior at Montauk Air Force Station  was. Once again he never corrected me about working for the technically long-defunct Montauk Air Force Station, and he declined to name his superior.

     In my meeting with George Larsen I omitted any references to the Montauk Project but simply told him the facts of my encounter and the extremely bizarre and disturbing incident with Balcuns. I was officially registering a major complaint, including the fact this State Park property was restricted to the public at all, and also that long stretches of the perimeter of this area had no fencing of any kind nor any signs indicating that it is in fact restricted. Larsen did the same old routine about dangerous conditions, toxicity and so forth. I asked why conditions were still thus if the property had belonged to New York State for (at the time) over eleven years. Larsen said that funds were currently very tight in the Parks system, although I was aware that Montauk Downs and Montauk Point State Parks have recently had some fairly substantial renovations and sprucing up. Larsen also said that Camp Hero is used by cultists and the like for strange ceremonies, and that human blood had been found at the SAGE radar dish tower(?)!

     Larsen said he was taking note of my complaint and would bring it to the attention of Balcun's superior! I was told by the State Parks Police that Larsen was Balcun's superior. Now Larsen was indicating this was not the case. Something was extremely peculiar about all this.

     I called Larsen back the next day and told him that though I appreciated the meeting with him, I was completely unhappy with the entire situation as was the rest of my family, and that we were going to pursue legal action. I said that my attorney needed the name of Balcun's superior. Now contradicting his statement the day before, Larsen hurriedly said, "There are many levels of hierarchy here. I have 65 people under me and there are different divisions and so forth, but ultimately I am Balcun's superior!"

     I then told Larsen that Balcun's had (passively) identified himself to me on a few occasions as an employee of Montauk Air Force Station, and asked whether Larsen could explain this convoluted business. At this point he got completely flustered, as I noted earlier in the main body of this report, referred me to the State Parks legal department, and hung up.

     Preston Nichols, upon hearing of these events, interpreted things as follows. According to Nichols the fact that Balcuns, obviously a federally employed security guard at Camp Hero with a cover title of equipment mechanic and maintenance worker for the State Parks system, had seen me within the restricted area two separate times and did nothing about it meant that he recognized me in some way or other, or believed (or knew!) that I was allowed to be there, that I was in fact "one of the crew". Only after he heard my comment to "Uncle Charlie" about the police car did he apparently realize I was an "intruder" who was not "authorized" to be on the property. According to Nichols, this seems to indicate that I could have been involved in the "Project" in some capacity, or that I could currently be so involved. While Nichols could well be right, I also feel that I was projecting a very confident and strong energy during the visits to Camp Hero. To me, the land at Montauk Point, Turtle Cove and Camp Hero belongs irrefutably to the Montauk Indians, and neither New York State Parks nor the federal government have any right to bar anyone from this property.

     The entire legal situation regarding Camp Hero and the administration thereof is highly unusual, bizarre, and in some respects quite ludicrous. There is no doubt whatsoever that the official cover story about the location is completely full of holes. Major inroads in terms of breaking the story open could be made from this angle alone. Aside from the Montauk Indians' totally rightful claim to the property, the land was turned over to New York State for the use of its people many years ago. Residents of East Hampton Township, New York State and the Unites States in general should be asking why this property continues to be off-limits to the public. In my estimate, nearly 75 percent of Camp Hero State Park is unusable by the public. I know for a fact that the demolition of buildings and removal of toxic materials could be accomplished in a vastly shorter amount of time than eleven years.

     There are some other peculiar facts about Camp Hero I would like to mention. My wife and I went out there very early one morning, and parked off (new) Montauk Highway at the intersection of the main entrance road into Camp Hero, and we observed a vehicle exiting this supposedly derelict and closed facility at about 5:30 AM and it wasn't the State Park Police either. We were also both acutely aware of a distinct and pervasive throbbing, humming sound which emanated from the general vicinity of Montauk Air Force Station; without doubt the sound of heavy machinery being operated. This was clearly audible in the general calm and quiet of the early morning. Needless to say, no such functional machinery is located anywhere on this property, on the surface that is.

     I also visited the location on my own several months later. The so called "fisherman's parking lot" which is quite close to the lighthouse was half filled with a tremendous amount of huge boulders. The lot had been completely empty of any such boulders the last time I was there. Nichols and other investigators have commented on the fact that large numbers of such huge boulders periodically show up near Montauk Point, and are often then moved into position with heavy equipment to fortify point itself from the undeniably extensive erosion which does occur there. (The lighthouse used to be several hundred feet from the point; it's now virtually right at the point.) The curious thing is that no one seems to know how these boulders arrive at Montauk. No trucks are ever seen bringing them in, no barges ever unload them at the point. Where then do they come from? They obviously must originate on site, and since they are not being quarried on the surface they can only come from underground.

     I also did some investigation into the "Montauk Tower" building in the village of Montauk, said by Nichols and other investigators to be used in Montauk Project activities and to be connected via underground tunnels to other clandestine facilities in the area.

     I went to the location with my wife (and child) and instantly found some peculiarities. We went into the lobby of the building, which has ostensibly been converted to condominium apartments, and copied down some of the names off the intercom. I was struck by the fact that there were no mailboxes anywhere in, on or around the building for "residents" to receive their mail, which is certainly quite strange. We tried buzzing a few of the bells to gain entry, but there was no response. While snooping about the building, we also noticed that there was a separate entrance apparently leading to the basement of building, which was thoroughly locked. For a building which supposedly had at least 40 units in it, there were very few cars in the parking lot, as has been the case every time I've ever looked in the lot while in the area.

     Upon leaving the building we encountered a Suffolk County Water Authority meter reader, who asked us if we lived there. We replied negatively, saying we were calling on a friend who wasn't home. The fellow told us that the building presented a constant problem  as the water meter was not accessible to him; he had never been able to read the meter, and was never able to raise anyone inside the building to let him in! This from an employee of the county government!

     Astonished, my wife subsequently contacted the Suffolk County Water Authority, asking them what they were doing about this very bizarre situation. As my mother is a resident of the area who pays water bills, I was rather disturbed and   puzzled on this issue alone; no matter who (or what) was occupying the Montauk Tower, they didn't have to pay for their water! The response from county personnel was a masterpiece of fuzzy, meaningless mush that said nothing at all. They tried repeatedly to deflect our questioning about the ownership of the building, etc., saying that was confidential information. They stated that they do receive payment for water usage at the location, but would not indicate from whom, nor how any such bill can be paid if the amount owed cannot be determined. I believe that county personnel deliberately obfuscated the truth about this matter.

     My wife and I looked up the names we got off the intercom at the Montauk Tower, but could only find several of them listed. Also, most of these had no address listed, only P.O. boxes. We called the numbers we found and got an answer at just one. The woman who answered said that she was the manager of the building, and mentioned that her husband ran a restaurant in Montauk village. We said that I had just moved back to the area with my family and were looking for a residence to buy. We inquired whether any of the units were for sale, as we liked the downtown location. The woman gave us the name of one of the residents who was selling their condo on the third floor, as they had moved to another dwelling.

     Later, checking the local real estate listings, we did find a two other condos listed for sale, one by the owner, the other by a real estate agency in Montauk. As it turned out the privately advertised condo was being handled by the same agency as the other listed unit, so we had an agent at that office show us the two units. One was on the first floor and one was on the sixth floor. There is a so called penthouse unit above the sixth floor which we were repeatedly told had recently been purchased by an elderly woman. (This was where Preston Nichols was taken to meet with numerous Air Force officials in August 1995. No elderly woman was part of that event.)

     The first floor apartment was basically a long, rather narrow unit with only one large window facing south. There were no other windows, and the overall effect was quite claustrophobia-inducing. Why this agent would continually state that it was just right for us, with a two year old child, is beyond me.

     She then took us up to the sixth floor unit and here's where things really got odd. Both my wife and I (and maybe our little boy too!) were thoroughly disoriented upon exiting the elevator on the sixth floor. The entire layout was completely different than the first floor; the walls and hallways were at very odd angles to the elevator entrance; everything seemed out of kilter. The apartment, though not as confining as the other, was laid out in a very strange way. One of the "bedrooms" was little more than a closet and part of it was cut off by an angled, sloping wall which severely restricted the space. The real estate agent told us it was because of some stairway which led to the penthouse, although there was no indication of any such stairway outside the apartment.

     The agent kept telling us how good either unit would be for us, an obvious absurdity. When leaving this apartment we were again very puzzled by the layout of the sixth floor and couldn't really figure out what was where in relation to the main (external) structure of the building. It definitely seemed as though there was a substantial amount of space unaccounted for on this floor. We made a point to ask the real estate agent what was in the basement of building and whether it was accessible to the occupants. We received no clear reply.

    We then contacted the party who was selling the third floor apartment and made an appointment to see it. Although the layout of the third floor was different than that of the other two floors we had seen it was not bizarre or disorienting. The fellow was quite friendly and seemed, as did the real estate agent, quite sure that the place was just right for us and that we would really like to live there. We asked him about the basement, about what was down there and so forth and once again received no clear answer.

     Several days later, while videotaping the outside of the tower building, my wife and I both saw a face appear in a window adjacent to the sixth floor hallway in front of the elevator, which should have been the small bedroom we had just recently seen, yet there was no such window in the bedroom! We could easily figure this out by counting the number of windows visible from the outside and comparing it to the windows in the apartment! There is no doubt of this fact, and this proves that there is "hidden space" in this building.

     There is another thing worth mentioning about this building. A year later in April 1996 I decided to rustle through the building's garbage dumpster to see what might turn up. There was virtually no typical household refuse. The dumpster was mostly filled with cardboard boxes and other shipping and packing materials, and the remnants of a number of takeout meals. Of particular interest was a good sized shipping carton addressed to a Ceil Roth, which is the name of the Air Force colonel who met with Preston Nichols in the penthouse unit during August 1995. This box was sent from an underwater construction corporation based in San Diego California.

     A final note -- the roof of this building is literally a good-sized antenna farm, bristling with an astonishing number of antennae of all shapes and sizes, and I'm not talking about TV antennae or ordinary satellite dishes.

    It's also worthy of mention that upon my return to my California residence after the 1995 trip, and continuing to this day, I began receiving numerous bizarre phone calls, sometimes several a day, in which there is nothing but "dead air" on the other end. This went on even after we had our number changed to an unlisted number.

     There is one other peculiar incident in my past I can call to mind concerning this location.

     My father worked in NYC journalism for many years, and during most of the 1970s was feature editor for The NY Daily News. Some time in the mid-1970s before I moved to California, my family went to East Hampton for the weekend. I would have been about 20-22 years old. We lived at that time mainly in Queens, but spent much time on eastern Long Island. My father had mentioned to me before we arrived in East Hampton that he really wanted me to accompany him and a colleague, Pat O'Haire, the next morning (Saturday) to visit some fellow living in Ditch Plains ( a neighborhood roughly halfway between Montauk village and Camp Hero on the Atlantic shore), whom they were apparently going to interview, I guess for The Daily News. I was never totally clear on the reason they were visiting him, let alone why it was so imperative that I go along! My dad seemed to think this was a really interesting and fascinating person with some very newsworthy information to impart. He stressed several times that he really wanted me to go with them.

     The next morning my father again reiterated how much he wanted me to accompany him and Pat O'Haire (who lived (lives) in Montauk), and after a call from my dad Ms. O'Haire drove from Montauk to pick us up and bring us to this man's place in Ditch Plains. It was a rather wintry and gloomy day I recall.

     Upon arriving at this man's "house" I was immediately struck by its uncharacteristically (for Montauk and East Hampton Township) drab and plain appearance, and its somewhat unusual cement construction. As best I can recall this man had a Germanic name. Inside, this rather elderly (maybe 55-60), ex-military seeming man quickly engaged my father and Pat in a fairly animated conversation in which he basically pilloried the federal income tax system and the IRS. Now it doesn't take a genius to figure that is a subject on which you are going to get a definite and strong response from virtually anybody -- there aren't too many people, especially among the middle class, who wouldn't get on board that train pretty quickly (the anti-IRS express). I was half-listening, but not too involved. I picked up something about this man I didn't like, I couldn't figure out yet why it was so important for me to go along, and I was feeling a bit bored and uncomfortable.

     They went into a little study or office and I started looking around this fellow's living room, whereupon I saw at least a few publications of radical (and racist) right wing groups, indicating this man's politics were diametrically opposed certainly to mine and pretty much to my father's also.

     The whole point of us -- especially me --being there escaped me, and I found the literature in the living room very upsetting, disturbing and distasteful. There was something very weird about the house too. It just didn't feel like a house. Most home construction in that area is wood frame, with certain exceptions -- especially in newer construction. This was definitely not new, yet obviously not very old as it was cement and cinder block. It was also pretty small, one story and basically very square, with the interior divided into a living room, the study, a kitchen and bedroom in the rear which I never saw, and what looked like a small closet.

     After milling around outside for few minutes, where I was again struck by the rather peculiar architectural style of the building, in a part of the country where such things are often commented on and talked about (sometimes to a very tedious degree), I went back in and started making major eye signals at my dad to get the hell out of there. I was really feeling bent out of shape, had nothing in common with this person, couldn't imagine why anyone wanted me to come there, found his politics very disturbing, and I wanted to GO!

     My dad responded to me and the three of them came out of the study into the living room, at which point, out of politeness, I made some brief small talk with the man we were visiting. Mainly, I was very curious about his house and said so. I said I thought it was rather unusual, I couldn't place the period or style of construction, that it didn't really feel or look like a house built for a family, etc. I can't recall exactly how he responded, but he pointed out the other rooms toward the rear. At that point I either asked him about the small rectangular protrusion right next to me which seemed to be a closet, or else he pointed it out. I recall him opening the door, and saying that it actually was a stairway that went to the basement.

     At this point something strange happened but I can't completely remember what. I'm certain he said something about the basement that was very strange, very unusual, that just seemed really odd -- but my memory fails me here. Now what could be strange about a basement? Well, it must be different in some way from what one would expect: either more or less somehow than what a basement would normally be. My strong feeling is that he said the basement was in fact connected to or part of a tunnel system. I can't find in my mind any clear and solid memory of what occurred immediately after he pointed out the stairway.

     The rest of my memories of this event are nil. Later in the day we got driven back to East Hampton and it was quite late. I was also feeling pretty low and depressed.

     It seems that we definitely arrived back home later than one would expect, as we went out to Ditch Plains certainly before noon, and I remember quite well how I couldn't handle being there at all. I think it was at most about forty-five minutes to an hour until I started signaling my dad to leave.

     I've looked for this location more than a few times in recent years, and just couldn't find it. I am certain that we went to the Ditch Plains area, but I found nothing there that looked similar. Finally, when I was visiting my family again in April of 1996, I had a breakthrough. There was an article in the local paper about a tract of land in Montauk known as Shadmoor, which was being bought by the federal government from the owner/developer who had been refused permission to develop the land for at least ten years.

     The article went on to say that this property was originally an extension of Camp Hero, and that the only remaining structures on it were two military buildings, actually machine-gun nests, built to look like private residences. This area was bought by a developer but the Town of East Hampton (the hamlet of Montauk is within East Hampton Township) refused to allow him to build on the property, almost certainly due to pressure from certain federal agencies, and now the Federal government was buying the land outright and designating it a Nature Preserve, forever "safe" from any development or other private use. This story really piqued my interest, as it was about the only stretch of coastline I hadn't yet checked in my efforts to ascertain where the house we had visited some 20 years ago actually was.

     I went to Shadmoor, which is directly west of the Ditch Plains public bathhouse and parking lot, and found there what very much appeared to be the filled-in and subsequently partly caved-in foundations/basements of three structures which were no longer standing. Without doubt, this was the area where the man we had visited lived, but the "houses" were now gone. Obviously, it was not a real house this man had lived in as I had correctly intuited at the time, but was some kind of military building. As this entire property was actually part of Camp Hero it's now known that it was connected to the main base via tunnels. Given the time frame of our visit, this man was undoubtedly engaged in some kind of  activity connected to the Montauk Project which had then recently gotten in full swing. Apparently, I was part of that activity, that day.

     I may never be able to find out too much more as my father died nine years ago, and his former colleague Pat O'Haire has not returned my calls.

     I have the racial and genetic background which has apparently proved desirable to the operators of the Montauk/Phoenix Project(s) -- blue-eyed and light haired, with lots of German blood on both sides, and Celtic (Irish) on my father's side.

     As I'm most certainly not a scientist, quantum or particle physicist, radio-electronics genius, ex-military-intelligence operative, or anything remotely like any of those, the question would be – for what purpose could I possibly have been inducted (or is that abducted?) into the Montauk Project? Given that probably tens of thousands of youngsters of varying ages have been and are being (usually unwittingly) conscripted for "use" in virtually all phases and aspects of this Project and numerous other clandestine projects (I'd think from dishwashers and sanitation workers to particle physicists and everything in between -- the Montauk underground is in fact an underground city), there may be no way to say for certain how I may have been used. As there is such severe psychological and spiritual manipulation and abuse involved in the programming of conscripted victims, in addition to deliberate memory-tampering and other mind-wiping procedures, there may be no way to say for certain if I was so used at all.

     It's conceivable and I think likely that inductees are scanned and evaluated for any particular abilities which they possess and are shunted accordingly into corresponding functions at the Montauk base. If that were to be the case, then very likely my talents, skills and abilities would probably be strongest in two fields: writing and music composition, and perhaps these talents (or others) were taken advantage of and utilized by Project administrators. I also think I might possess a bit of so-called "psychic" ability -- maybe more than I'm aware of. According to Preston Nichols, popular music has been used extensively by the operators of the Montauk Project as a tool for influencing the "collective unconscious" if you will; in particular that of the younger generation.

     Nichols states that state-of-the-art recording facilities and psycho-acoustic techniques were utilized to "insert" subliminal programming into popular music which can trigger certain responses and changes in awareness; also that time-travel technology enabled this to be implemented both in the past as well as the present (and presumably the future too). Music was and is considered a very powerful and effective way to access the deeper emotional and instinctual levels of consciousness, and contemporary popular music has been thoroughly infiltrated by intelligence agencies, secret societies and (secret) governments to that end.

     Such infiltration and subversion of other forms of communication and entertainment including television networks, the motion picture industry and the news media in general has been explored and documented, but I guess it's a bit of a shock for personal reasons to realize that contemporary music has not escaped such a fate. Mr. Nichols has further stated as well that, once again, the Mafia has worked and is working hand in glove with intelligence agencies in such operations involving mass communications.

All material copyright © 1997
John A. Quinn NewsHawk INC
84 Sherrill Rd.
East Hampton, New York  11937
All rights reserved. All text within this document is the sole property of the owner and copyright holder --   John A. Quinn.
Reproduction by Permission only


©1998 John A. Quinn / NewsHawk Inc.
Originally Printed in " World of the Strange Newsletter" 5/18/98

HAARP--High-frequency Active Aural Research Program. HAARP--the kind angels will never strum. HAARP--the futuristic nightmare project which is currently in operation, researching a wide variety of effects and phenomena, as well as possible uses and applications for such, resulting from beaming massively powerful radio signals into targeted regions of the ionosphere; a project which has given environmental activists, constitutionalists, airline pilots along with ionospheric physicists and other groups, such as normal, ordinary people definite cause for some serious concern.

Contrary to information made public by the operators of HAARP, it is no longer a relatively small, preliminary venture limited to one (nevertheless extremely powerful) transmitter site in the remote Alaskan back country.

Contrary to much of the official noise being generated regarding the supposed "benign" uses for this multi agenda'd operation, the internal intelligence/military documentation and a growing amount of supporting material shows that HAARP is in fact at this point fulfilling some highly secret and highly advanced functions; in fact, some very negative and completely objectionable functions.

The acknowledged, publicized applications for potential applications of HAARP technology are primarily:

  • Enhancement of or interference with communications, as well as development of new types of radio transmissions;
  • "Investigation" of effects on weather patterns;
  • Earth-penetrating tomography -- an X-ray like function which can reveal, for example, the existence of underground installations as well as oil or mineral deposits.

Some of the other principal yet unpublicized goals are:

  • Weapons-related (physical/psychological disablement) and mind control uses;
  • Large scale tampering/modification of global weather patterns via ionospheric disturbances
  • "Pushing the envelope" in terms of pumping electromagnetic energy into the ionosphere, just to see what happens.

It bears emphasizing here that any such references to HAARP being used for EM mind control come directly from numerous internal documents and repeated references therein to HAARP's capabilities as electromagnetic mind modification/manipulation technology and intentions to so implement HAARP.

There are yet further agendas for HAARP even more covert than these, as this report will discuss.


Some very interesting information about HAARP has recently come light. To provide a background for some of this information, we go back to early last summer when Brookhaven National Laboratories on Long Island underwent a significant and far reaching change of directorship, and subsequently a change of direction and focus. The changes at Brookhaven, one of the first National Laboratories established, received coverage even in the national news media.

(Brookhaven has been getting considerable heat on Long Island as of late due to their having dumped radioactive waste into Long Island's groundwater aquifer for the past 30+ years, resulting in severe, widespread and life threatening contamination of the water supply of a great number of people, farmland, waterways, and even Long Island Sound/Peconic Bay).

Brookhaven Labs has been repeatedly named as a major player in other clandestine and generally malignant and malevolent operations on Long Island--such as the Montauk Project and many related activities; among other well-known secrets are the particle accelerators underlying much of the area used in so many covert projects, which undoubtedly also have negative environmental and health consequences.

Subsequent to these well-publicized but never adequately explained changes at Brookhaven Labs last year, several of the Navy's key HAARP personnel are now stationed at BNL. No public mention has been made of this by Brookhaven, the Navy, nor anyone else.

Latest reports show that the Navy has more or less completely taken over administration and operation of HAARP and that the Air Force is no longer involved in any significant capacity.


Certain of the photos on the Navy's "official" HAARP website betray the fact that the photos were doctored--a structure visible in the photos proves that (at least one of) HAARP's transmitter site(s) is no longer in Alaska if it ever was but is in fact on Long Island, in the Westhampton pine barrens quite close to Brookhaven Labs--the nearby structure seen in the web page photo is part of Brookhaven! The photos were altered by adding mountains in the background, to keep going the lie that the HAARP is being operated in Alaska. Unconfirmed accounts state that HAARP has as many as 36 sites in operation at this time.

Preston Nichols, author and well-known investigator of covert operations, reported that he knows where this antenna site in the pine barrens is. There is totally independent confirmation from another source that there is an antenna farm in the Westhampton pine barrens which is protected 24/7 by Delta Force type personnel with automatic weapons. This fellow was hiking in the area and came upon the heavily fenced and posted site without having encountered any warning signs etc. An armed guard wearing a featureless black uniform warned him off with threats of deadly force! Needless to say my contact was "hella" shocked !

As mentioned in a earlier update, Nichols confirmed that he had been working with an Air Force contingent at Camp Hero's subterranean complex; this was the group which was implementing "Star Wars" particle beam technology apparently in "planetary defense" operations, directed in this operation specifically against the Hale-Bopp comet and an object said to be traveling in it's wake. As then noted, this contingent by all available accounts and evidence did NOT appear to be at all connected to previous mind control and time/space operations at this location. Nichols affirmed that he had not been at the underground in Montauk for nearly a year, since the comet departed our skies, and that the current tenants at Camp Hero/Montauk Air Force Station are no longer Air Force personnel, but rather Navy operatives connected to the HAARP project.

If the HAARP crew wanted in at Montauk due at least in part to the extraordinary characteristics of this major earth grid power spot and it's ability to "amplify" EM/RF waves I would have to venture a guess that a linking of the Montauk Project with the global capabilities of HAARP is high up on the agenda right now, as well as using the Montauk power spot to boost other acknowledged aspects of HAARP technology operations and experimentation.

References here and elsewhere to the whole field of planetary grid power points and such, as in relation to the tetrahedral physics concepts of Hoagland, Carl Munck and Bruce Cathie are considered to be solid science. It is in fact within the internal military intelligence documentation on the HAARP project for example, that certain spots on earth are KNOWN to be electromagnetic "hot spots", where various electromagnetic, radio frequency and gravitational processes and phenomenon are drastically amplified, enhanced, interfered with or otherwise affected.


Certain other evidence helps to make the emerging picture of what is probably going on more clear: in February of this year in the immediate vicinity of Camp Hero State Park/Montauk Air Force Station, the following conditions were observed.

There is an old bunker southeast of the base proper outside the "restricted area" which is relatively close to the lighthouse and right on the Atlantic cliffs, with a paved circular area directly south of and in front of it which was (at one time) an artillery emplacement. (This was the location where Siemens-subsidiary Cardion Corporation tested a very high tech particle beam radar system for at least five months in 1994 - all clearly visible from the lighthouse).

The bunker entrance adjacent to this circular concrete area was recently demolished in an "unauthorized" and "unofficial" fashion in an obviously substantial endeavor, according to certain witnesses from the Montauk area. A section was completely broken through the thick concrete exposing an underground area. This hole was then subsequently cemented over again by certain authorities.

A contingent of people from Montauk were at this location checking out the current situation there after having witnessed the previous conditions just described.

Continuing along the remnants of Old Montauk Highway west through the locked "fisherman's gate" towards the "fisherman's (parking) lot", the first paved road on the right (heading roughly north) leads to the southeast entrance to Camp Hero/Montauk AFS. About halfway to that entrance along this road on the left (west side) is a large boulder which had somehow been moved a bit, and clearly visible underneath was a well-maintained concrete well or entrance with a metal ladder bolted to the side -- all in good repair. Despite extensive drenching rains around this time, when a rock was dropped there was NO SOUND of it hitting any water. The boulder hiding this entrance was quite large and would require at least a few people to move it.

Further on this road at the base entrance, the extremely sturdy locked gate at this entrance was severely impacted, smashed and basically wrecked -- although entry with other than a Humvee or even a tank would not really be possible. The same thing also happened to the main entrance to Montauk Air Force Station off Highway 27 (Montauk Highway) about 6 months ago.

Camp Hero/Montauk Air Force Station and the underground facilities have recently been forcibly entered in some kind of (par)military operation. Apparently the Navy wanted in at Camp Hero in a big way after getting in at Brookhaven and wasn't going to take no for an answer. It seems they ran into some opposition in response to the their intention to book into Montauk, and so Navy operatives, probably SEALS, got rough. It seems abundantly clear at this point that these spooks want to hook HAARP up at the Montauk planetary grid power point.

A source who often receives reliable information from individuals in certain ultra top secret intelligence and military agencies recently informed me that HAARP, at this point totally under the control of the Navy, definitely has extensive weather control and mind manipulation operations currently on line. It is now positively confirmed by this source as well that the Navy/HAARP contingent has without doubt taken control of the Montauk underground installations, in a decidedly heavy-handed fashion; i.e., they were definitely not given the keys. This source informed me that one can safely assume they are "up to no good", in a rather substantial understatement.


Significantly, there have also been some changes regarding who is in control of the current Montauk Project operations. As with HAARP, it is now clear that the Montauk Project operation as a whole is currently under the control of the Navy!

After having been reactivated--more like exhumed from the grave--in 1988, the operation shifted from Camp Hero around 1992. There are some indications that security had become excessively problematical, as the Montauk Project book had been published and curiosity seekers and others were becoming far too prevalent and nosy. There are other rumors of conflicts among different groups over the use of the facility, and in 1993 the Air Force's "Sky Pebbles" contingent moved in to Camp Hero's subterranean complex to begin operations, the concerns of which were the Hale Bopp comet, among others; and the Montauk Project moved out.

After the Project was eventually reorganized at Robins Air Force Base near Atlanta, it seems Project directors realized that certain aspects of the Project just couldn't be implemented adequately other than at Camp Hero, due apparently to the geomagnetic characteristics of that area. Additionally, as noted, at this time directorship of the Montauk Project has now shifted to the Navy. A linking of the Montauk Project and HAARP, previously often suspected and which may have already existed, now appears definite. The two projects are converging on the Camp Hero location at this time.

Now here's where things get even more interesting. It has been known for at least a few years now and was commented on in "Montauk Air Force Station--Active Or Not", that particle accelerators are definitely in use in a number of locations on Long Island, such as at Brookhaven Labs, Montauk Air Force Station, and a number of underground locations in between these two sites. Despite endless denials and blank stares from Brookhaven flak catchers and their cohorts, there is positive proof of the existence of such accelerator units at Brookhaven, at Camp Hero and elsewhere underground on eastern Long Island including in the Westhampton pine barrens.

No one, not even Preston Nichols, has been able to say with absolute certainty what these accelerators are used for; well founded rumors from contacts involved in covert projects and/or in the area give strong indication that accelerators and accompanying particle beam weapons devices have been both tested and deployed. Investigators have suspected but have been unable to prove indisputably that particle accelerators and particle beams were somehow being utilized in HAARP operations as well, despite absolutely no reference to this whatsoever in any public or internal documents which have ever seen the light of day regarding HAARP.

In an absolutely astonishing event, some of the suspicions of these investigators regarding HAARP have apparently been unequivocally and massively confirmed.


The contact of Nichols who had made the observation regarding the fact that the photo on the HAARP website actually showed a Long Island antenna farm adjacent to Brookhaven Labs received the following fax recently. His fax machine is set up with certain security systems which provides among other things the originating point of any fax communications received. All such security systems were disabled and/or overridden when this particular fax was received. On April 18 the fax transmission was traced to Southampton L.I., via phone company records. Whether it was a relay transmission of some kind is not known.

The body of the fax itself is full of completely classified and highly technical information; as well as completely classified internal routing codes; the document makes reference to top secret internal directives and procedures; it also makes reference to totally classified technology such as the Proteus particle accelerator; and to top it all off it specifically identifies this technology as being utilized in current HAARP operations.

What is even more astounding is that by inference, this document reveals that HAARP has yet another agenda, VASTLY more secret than even the mind and weather manipulation agendas for the project. This document basically indicates that particle accelerators and beams are apparently being used in the HAARP operations to effect interdimensional and time manipulations! Perhaps since the portal apparatus at the Montauk underground has reportedly been rendered useless, another way of generating interdimensional and time portals is being pursued aggressively and massively.

And guess what? According to the text of this fax, it screwed up--big time.

Supporting evidence on the involvement of the U.S. Navy in some very advanced scientific research project and bizarre "extracurricular" covert activities was received in response to my posting of the "leaked" document which purportedly reports on a massive malfunction of the HAARP related particle accelerator on Ascension Island, being used in interdimensional experimentation.

"Hi John Quinn - I am Joyce Murphy of "Beyond Boundaries" - We are a company investigating by expedition UFO related phenomena all over the world - have been following evidence that the Navy Seals are involved in all parts of the world with dimensional portal activity - I have some stuff on the Macrihanish Chinook that went down from a Navy wave beam - and then of course I could talk for hours about the dimensional portals involving the seals in Puerto Rico - I saw a video of a dimensional portal recently which had been filmed in Brazil".

Ms. Murphy went on to describe a major SEAL base at the supposedly closed Roosevelt Road Naval Base on Puerto Rico, which has underground levels beneath El Yunque mountain operated by the U.S. government and grey aliens, and a tunnel which connects the underground to the ocean. Submarines are actually brought in through this tunnel to the underground facility beneath El Yunque; according to Beyond Boundaries there are definite signs of dimensional portals in the rainforest on the surface there. Their group has observed, among other odd goings on, an incident where a grey was retrieved from the forest by Navy SEALs while numerous plainclothes agents patrolled up and down the road with monitoring equipment; the road was lined with vehicles bearing Virginia license plates.

Puerto Rico and Brazil have also been the locations for a tremendous number of sightings of the so-called "chupacapra" creature, which fits the general description of a "predatory reptilian animal" named in the HAARP document.

Before the skeptics out there begin rolling their eyes and muttering about science fiction and questionable tales of aliens, there is in fact solid scientific support for the manifestation of some very unusual effects, conditions and phenomena through the application of HAARP technology; from scientists like Dr. Sasha Kouskov of the University of Saskatchewan for example, who maintains that by focusing multiple HAARP (accelerator) transmitters on the same location, extremely esoteric, relativistic effects such as gravity waves and the like can be generated. Opening channels to other dimensions would be also in this category.

Overall the evidence appears solid indicating how deeply involved the Navy is with some very advanced sciences and technologies.

At this time we can add one more item to the list of HAARP's covert applications:
Generation of gravity waves, interdimensional/time "portals" and other highly esoteric, relativistic phenomena.


Nichols indicated right off the bat that he does suspect the fax could be disinformation, because in some ways it just seems too good to be true; the document confirmed so many suspicions and theories which Nichols has, such as multiple HAARP sites online worldwide, the existence and use of the "Proteus" accelerator, and the x-dimension project reported on by Al Bielek, to name but a few.

The overriding question still remains however--is the document the genuine article, making reference to real events and technologies, or is it in fact some very clever disinformation, originating nonetheless from intelligence or military sources? This is the question that neither Nichols nor anyone else can really answer with certainty, and none of them including myself, will try.

Now it is important to realize that this document and much of the information within it could most likely ONLY have originated from deep within the intelligence arm of the U. S. Navy, due to the tremendous amount of classified information in the document, as well as the inexplicable way it was received. Additionally, according to the recipient, the document was produced using a version of Adobe PageMaker which is only available to government. It was NOT produced using the commercially available version of this software.

Granted a skilled and knowledgeable hacker could conceivably have enough knowledge of internal military security codes, routing information, internal directives and classified projects to fake the main body of this document. However, there are some significant points which argue rather strongly AGAINST it being an outright hoax. When the fax was received the recipient was out of town. His digital cell phone, which can access up to 12 different networks, locked into one particular network at the very time the fax was received, and for days he couldn't get off this network. Also, his beeper can either be on a nationwide or worldwide network; it had been on the nationwide network, and at the time the fax came in it somehow switched to the worldwide network, and remained locked onto that network for a number of days. Nichols' cell phone can also utilize different networks. Starting at the time the fax was received, he was only able access the only Milcell (military) network, and couldn't access any other for ten days!! These kinds of things are much harder for some hoaxer or hacker to implement than the document itself. Interestingly as well, it is NOT commonly known that the recipient of the fax is in any way connected to Preston Nichols.

In other words this document almost definitely comes from the military/intelligence arm of the government. One thing which is sure to be commented on and which some will say more than suggests this is disinformation is the fact that the document is dated April 1. That is an easy out, though perhaps worth considering. Nevertheless no one can say that intelligence or military agencies issue no documents and/or that nothing genuine or significant happens on April 1.

If it's not disinformation, then an extremely significant and rather earthshaking bit of evidence has been leaked, by someone, which in one fell swoop validates a tremendous amount of circumstantial evidence and informed assumptions regarding certain ultra-top-secret government projects.

If it's not disinformation, then I could say we're in deeper shit than even I thought possible.

There is one other oddity about the document itself which possibly diminishes it's overall credibility. While retyping the document I realized that the zip code in the heading is not a Washington D.C. zip code. In fact it is a zip code for Fort Myers, Florida. What's very interesting about this is that Fort Myers is a major spook town known to have covert Navy projects in operation there, and also has known strong ties to the Montauk Project.

There is a huge government complex at 1455 Overlook Ave. in Fort Myers which correlated with the zip code on the received HAARP fax; yet at 4555 Overlook Ave. in D. C. is--guess what-- The Naval Research Lab!

I think the document is actually genuine, but that whoever kindly leaked it tried to save their own ass by making it seem like a hoax, with the disjointed address aspect (maybe the April 1 date also). In other words, I think the gist of the document speaks the truth! Or if it's "official" disinformation, the funny business regarding the address is enough to officially discredit the document.

Weirder and weirder--just what one could expect with anything connected to the spooky boys in Naval Intelligence.

One final point: the document makes reference to the fact that the dimensional rift accidentally caused by the Proteus particle accelerator malfunction has duplicated a situation which also occurred in 1995, which allowed predatory reptilian beings to "invade" our time-space continuum. This is an obvious reference to the extremely severe and never adequately explained wildfires in the Westhampton pine barrens during August 1995. As I relayed in my report on the Montauk Project, Preston Nichols was informed point-blank by Air Force officers at the time that the wildfires were being caused by serious malfunctions of the particle accelerator/beam operations on eastern Long Island. (What remains unknown about that event is whether or not a hostile action caused the particle accelerator malfunction or whether such a malfunction created certain problematical conditions for hostile groups.)

As I am somewhat over my head here, and not just regarding the technology, I am at Nichols' request disseminating (the text of) this document as far and wide as I can, in the hopes that knowledgeable individuals, who could help to either validate or invalidate the information contained within, will make public their knowledge regarding this incredible item.

I ask all recipients of this document to please assist us in such dissemination by resending or forwarding the document to the greatest extent possible; to the public at large and to any individual organization from which some input might be forthcoming.

This is without any doubt some kind of major evidence here; either evidence of deliberate, massive and malicious official disinformation, or somewhat muddied) evidence of a (yet another) mind boggling and truly unconscionable covert program being operated under cover of the officially acknowledged HAARP project.


N.U.S.C./N.U.M.A. J.C.S.
1455 Overlook Ave
Washington, D.C. 33902
Office of The Director of Security

01 April 1998
To All Security Operatives, Sector EC/NE/48+I

It has been confirmed as of this date, that a failure of the H.A.A.R.P. 15-3 Proteus Unit at Ascension Island U.K. had lost it's targeting control during it's first operational trial. The accelerator was damaged at shutdown, and will not be operational until 12 June at the earliest.

This failure went undetected for approximately 17 minutes, and appears to have caused another series of dimensional rifts along the East coast of the U.S. and Southwest Africa. These dimensional rifts are x- dimensional and have a time frame of -100 million B.C. plus or minus about 20 million years.

As was the case in 1995, several predatory reptilian animals have entered our y-dimension and are as this is written, freely roaming in the Southern New York region, Northern Pennsylvania, West Virginia and a possible sighting occurred this morning at 2:34 hours at Norfolk N.A.S. 150 meters off the beach.

All operatives are officially at level 4 alert, and are to be ready to go on 60 minute notice. (DOOTP) article 15-1 through 17-4 with all addendums are to apply.

Weapons are to be available at all times, .40 and .50 caliber minimum, with FMJ and EHP rounds only, minimum handgun to be carried .357 MAG/EHP.


Director of Field Operations,
Adm. Raymond D. Falvey III

CC: DCM/NOS/USAF/DOD/SS/QCD=Adjutant Generals Office, Pent. R-6-106/9c All Pathway Field Officers/Terminators(orders are terminate NOSAVE)


Suspicions abound at this point about HAARP's relationship to the tremendous amount of severe weather disturbances over North America this year. Obviously there are oceanic and atmospheric conditions which lead to the development of the fabled "El Nino" which very much impacts our experienced weather; my point is that this provides the perfect cover for HAARP operators to activate their new toy, and of course to amplify or boost the effects of El Nino as well, with the usual malevolent intent. Call it "El HAARPO".

The deadly "tornados" which have left scores of people dead and absolutely obliterated sections of sections of the southeastern U.S. and even areas such as Minnesota this spring were, as far as can be determined, completely unprecedented--literally unheard of, in recorded human experience.

What is so inexplicable and unilaterally astonishing about these "storms", aside from their mind-boggling ferocity, is the fact that in many cases few if any of the typical atmospheric precursor conditions--like CLOUDS-- conducive to the development of such storms were present, as indicated by virtually all relevant weather monitoring and forecasting technologies and systems. Photographs from weather satellites, weather radar readouts, and vast amounts of other data from a wide variety of sensing, monitoring and tracking technologies failed to provide ANY INDICATION WHATSOEVER that such horrendous atmospheric turbulence was building preceding many of these extraordinarily vicious storms.

Does this seem perhaps just the slightest bit peculiar to ANYBODY except me?

I think it's safe to say at this point that much of what has been claimed to be a result of the fabled (scapegoat) "El Nino" is in fact the result of weather control/manipulation and tampering to an extent never attempted before, due to HAARP technologies now on line. Personally I believe that manipulations of the upper-level atmospheric conditions which give birth to our experienced weather conditions is occurring on a massive, even global scale. This is in fact among the stated goals and intended uses for HAARP and is plainly stated as such within internal federal documentation for the project (see Angels Don't Play This HAARP, by Begich and Manning).


Another major agenda of HAARP's is of course mind control. I have had strong suspicions that the Jonesboro, Arkansas massacre and a number of very similar incidents over the past months have been the result of mind control operations.

The recent news on the nearly inconceivable horror out of Jonesboro has finally pushed me over the brink; into confronting head-on the likelihood that this and a veritable blood orgy of similar mass murders by youngsters in the past couple of years--mostly but not only in the southeastern U.S.--are the result of some sort of mind control program.

Despite a fairly rigorous childhood and teenage years in New York City and Long Island, and many years since spent in other major urban areas like L.A. and the Bay Area, I must say I really cannot recall any precedent for these types of mass slayings perpetrated by young teens and preteens, against their peers or elders, often carried out at (usually public) schools.

What in the name of God or any standard/concept of a more evolved, civilized and positive existence and being: what in the name of any decency, reason, compassion, or awareness could be motivating or compelling these young people to manifest such remorseless, shameless and vicious violence in acts of mass murder?

And notice also that this is not happening in New York, L.A., Chicago or other large cities, where gang violence has been so prevalent. Its happening in quiet, totally "typical", rural/suburban Middle American communities, among mainly white, middle class people.

I think programming is on the scene here in a most major way.

There has been some solid information which supports this hypothesis lately. Author Alex Constantine (Psychic Dictatorship In America and many other fine works investigating mind control operations) has reported the following to online "e-zine" The Konformist concerning a particular EM mind control operation which he says was a major factor in the bloodcurdling massacre in Jonesboro Arkansas. I have been suspecting just such a thing for some time now, after a veritable spate of similar horrifying incidents over the past several months, most of which occurred in the southeastern U.S. In fact I emailed The Konformist voicing exactly these suspicions right after the Jonesboro nightmare. I'm reprinting below Mr. Constantine's note about this particular EM mind control operation.

<<The technology for EM mind control in Jonesboro came from Silent Sound, Inc., I've heard. Ultrasound machine that stimulates rage, Check into Senate Bill 10, an attempt to imprison children as adults, and you have the motive. The machine was developed at SRI, with help from a front in Berkeley.>>(©1998 Alex Constantine).

Interestingly, SRI was one of the five original partners which brought HAARP technology into operational status before the whole shebang was subsumed into the military's domain in the early 90s. Angels Don't Play This HAARP, by Begich and Manning provides extensive detail on the particulars of the development of HAARP.

Of particular interest in this regard are certain frequencies monitored during HAARP transmissions which are completely absent from the official, general HAARP specifications and documentation--frequencies in the 435 Megahertz range, which are exactly in the range of the frequencies of human thought (as opposed to mood or state of mind); these are the predominantly utilized frequencies in the mind control aspects of the Montauk Project.

Worth considering here also is that from roughly 1993 through 1996, The Montauk Project mind control operations were being run out of Robins AFB near Atlanta--in the southeastern U.S. Perhaps the spate of seemingly mindless and inhuman violence carried out by very young boys in this region is an indication of some results of the Project's recent visit to the southeast.

Maybe HAARP transmissions are being utilized to beam pulsed microwave, psychotronic or other types of EM/RF mind manipulation signals to trigger targeted preprogrammed, possibly even implanted agents.

Adding to the growing list of such nearly incomprehensible incidents of violence from those so young, (at least the postal workers and other "disgruntled employees" have some excuse--daily exposure to infinite levels of bureaucracy) comes the latest news from Edinboro, PA. Another Montauk boy?

The Montauk Project, as well as Monarch and other MK-ULTRA offshoots and sub-projects, have created untold numbers (some suggest upwards of 5 million) of programmed, "sleeper" agents with often totally invisible alternate personalities or identities; these people are suffering from intentionally induced dissociative, multiple personality disorders as a result of "scientifically" applied psychosexual abuse and psychotronic programming.

HAARP, and the Montauk and Phoenix Projects before HAARP, have had, among many others, two agendas running--mind manipulation AND weather modification. Mind/mood/consciousness are affected by some of the same electromagnetic energies as is the weather. This information was the main result of much of Wilhelm Reich's research into what he termed "orgone" energy, and Reich developed technology which could impact and alter the state of this orgone energy. Reich's entire body of work into this field was forcibly taken from him by the federal government, much of the materials which were not stolen outright were destroyed, along with Reich's laboratories, and of course he was then incarcerated. The main elements of Reich's years of research and experimentation were incorporated into the Phoenix Project, being operated then mainly at Brookhaven Labs on Long Island. Guess they wanted this stuff all to themselves, and I guess they got it.


What the hell is going on? HAARP being operated on Long Island and other locations; the Navy, operators of HAARP, taking control of the Montauk/Camp Hero facilities; continual massive weather disturbances not just in North America but in other parts of the world too--notably Australia and New Zealand; indications via a "leaked" document that HAARP, in addition to weather and mind control agendas, has a serious interdimensional agenda going too; indications via the same document that HAARP is being operated from NUMEROUS sites worldwide (confirming the suspicions of MANY researchers such as Nick Begich); horrendous incidents of literally inconceivable (at least to me) and inexplicable violence on the part of extremely young kids happening on a regular basis in the U.S.; and even indications that HAARP transmissions may be utilized for triggering earthquakes, as described below.

I don't believe I'm straining to connect any dots here. In fact I think the dots are already quite connected and the picture is very clear. There has been substantial concern ever since information first started getting out about HAARP that it is going to be implemented as a means of global mind (and weather) control. The fact that the Navy has forcibly taken over Camp Hero at Montauk, which has a history of being "mind control central", just about ices the cake. These covert agendas all over the place in the official internal documentation on HAARP. Folks, we are in it NOW!

Of course another major means of social control, i.e. precipitating massive social upheaval, is by destroying life and property through extraordinarily severe manipulated artificial weather disturbances. Then FEMA, an agency with some very serious and potentially abusive covert agendas of it's own, conveniently comes into devastated areas and assumes substantial control.

When is the population of this country going to wake up to what's going on here?

The top leaders of literally ALL European countries have had several meetings with Dr. Nick Begich, premiere researcher/investigator and author on the HAARP operations, as well as with other independent scientists and researchers; subsequent top level pan-European conferences have been held, in which extremely strong concerns, reservations and outright oppositions to HAARP and most if not all of the program's agendas have been voiced, in addition to serious reservations about the long term global environmental effects of HAARP activities.

How (complacently?) ignorant and uninformed (having been deliberately misinformed is of course taken for granted) are the people of the US at this point, like sheep led to slaughter.


Researcher Kent Steadman of the CyberSpace ORBIT website noted the following, concerning weather radar systems that have been picking up phenomena which appear to be electromagnetic/radio frequency in nature: which have preceded the development of unusually severe weather; which also definitely correlate with earthquakes, and possibly correlate to highly troubling events indicative of mind control operations such as the mass murder in Jonesboro Ark.

<<ORBIT Pulsed: radar rings over Jonesboro
CyberSpace ORBIT
Kent Steadman, Editor

Signs in the sky: Thor's Hammer, the Reaper's Sythe, sky-circles over Jomesboro?
We are seeing things on radar that even jolts the jaded artist.
No more explanations--look for yourself:

http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/phikent/armageddon.html http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/phikent/orbit/april/armageddon2.html
http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/phikent/orbit/mar/radar2.html >>

The weather radar systems referred to (and displayed on the above website) may have been picking up HAARP transmissions, the "Silent Sound" transmissions noted by Alex Constantine, or perhaps both! Perhaps Silent Sound is being used in conjunction with HAARP. Whichever, I find it just about impossible to believe that it was some coincidence that these totally unnatural concentric circular energy patterns and other unnatural formations such as perfectly straight lines showed up on radar exactly where unbelievably severe weather conditions occurred, and also where the terrible violence of the Jonesboro massacre occurred, knowing what we know about EM/RF weather modification and mind control operations. These radar systems have been registering electromagnetic disturbances which are directly connected to seismic activity as well, which may indicate even more malevolent operations using HAARP technology.


One of the more covert of HAARP's seemingly countless agendas is that HAARP transmissions can be used for detecting and monitoring electromagnetic or "plasma" phenomena which are precursors of seismic activity and tectonic movement; indications are that HAARP transmissions can be (and conceivably ARE BEING) used to activate or TRIGGER exactly these same electromagnetic conditions which can cause tectonic movement--in other words, HAARP potentially has the ability to cause EARTHQUAKES!

Certainly such a capability is equally as disturbing as nearly everything else about HAARP, and judging by how other of the technology's capabilities have been applied, it will also likely be applied in a similarly malevolent manner. I don't really even want to follow that line of thinking too far, but the implications are clear--and very frightening. Think we have "a problem" here? Well, I sure do.

It seems that HAARP signals are being picked up by weather radar systems as referred to above. This has been noted in conjunction with some unusual earthquake activity as well; notably at the China Lakes Naval Air Warfare Center in Southern California, where the quakes have been numbering around 100 per day for weeks now and radar images have often shown what seem to be major weather disturbances--yet concurrently the weather satellite shots of the area and local weather conditions reports prove that the skies at these times have been generally calm and clear!

Something similar occurred on Easter Sunday in the Carolinas. It looked from the radar shots as though the area was being pounded by massive tornado activity, yet the skies were clear and the atmospheric conditions generally calm. The next day, however, guess what--a sizable and unarguably rare earthquake hit this exact region!

Yet one more item on the list of HAARP's covert agendas and applications:

Detection of electromagnetic seismic activity which may precede earthquakes -- and triggering of such activity.

It is becoming very apparent that the radar systems are picking up electromagnetic perturbances which not only don't correlate to observed actual weather conditions but display totally unnatural formations like perfect circles (often concentric), perfectly straight lines, etc. This same phenomenon, often in conjunction with tremendous and historically unheard-of rainstorms has also been observed in Western Australia, where the concentric electromagnetic energy pulses accompanying the fronts have been so severe as to totally knock out the power grids in the region--exactly what happened in Aukland, New Zealand earlier this year, when the entire heart of the city was without power for months after their electrical grid was literally fried by these EM pulse waves.

It bears repeating here that some scientists believe that HAARP, especially at it's current extraordinary levels of power, is quite capable of generating such highly advanced, esoteric phenomena as gravity waves; the ability implement interdimensional/time bending, distortion, shifting, rifting and the like would be along the same lines.

More and more, the emerging picture of HAARP is that of an extremely severe and very disturbing threat to our well-being here on Planet Earth; currently perhaps on of the very biggest threats technologically. This really seems to be their Big Gun, capable of being applied in nearly every imaginable and exceptionally undesirable way.

HAARP technology appears well suited in general to enforcing a host of the more oppressive and malicious goals and agendas of the evolving "New World Order."


Another one of the more extraordinary claims being made about HAARP is that the technology can conceivably be utilized to in fact tap or pull electrical power FROM the ionosphere; thus allowing our good friends in charge of the New World Order access to effectively unlimited electrical power, to be used among other things for operating the countless underground installations and the innumerable covert projects being carried out within them.

The more complete list of primary intended uses of HAARP now reads:

  • Enhancement of or interference with communications, as well as development of new types of radio transmissions;
  • Manipulation of weather patterns;
  • Weapons-related (physical/psychological disablement) and mind control uses;
  • Earth-penetrating tomography -- an X-ray like function which can reveal, for example, the existence of underground installations as well as oil or mineral deposits;
  • Detection of electromagnetic seismic activity which may precede earthquakes -- and triggering of such activity;
  • Generation of gravity waves, interdimensional/time "portals" and other highly esoteric, relativistic phenomena.
  • "Pushing the envelope" in terms of pumping electromagnetic energy into the ionosphere, just to see what happens.
  • Drawing astronomical amounts of electrical power from the ionosphere.



I am reprinting here some general background material on the HAARP project written by Dr. Richard Williams.

"HAARP's space-generated ELF (extremely low frequency) waves, coming back down to the earth, can be utilized in many different ways, such as communicating with submarines or creating harmful biological and mental effects upon a specifically targeted population. HAARP can also be utilized in a system of earth-penetrating tomography, for locating hidden underground bunkers in enemy territory or the buried arms, survival supplies, and valuable coins buried by U.S. patriots and militias.

"The 1/96 'Progressive Magazine' reported that a 1995 article, "Non- Lethal Technology and Air power", in the 'Air Command and Staff College's Air power Journal', describes how so-called non-lethal psychotropic and electromagnetic weapons will be used against civilians: "In the very near future, it will become clear that non-lethal methods have applicability across the entire spectrum of conflict, including crime and terrorism..."

"In this research paper, the authors reveal for the first time, the U.S. military is developing high-powered microwave weapons for use against human beings" (which is one of the hidden goals of the HAARP transmitters). Such "microwave weapons are almost uniquely intrusive" (especially when they are pulsed at ELF frequencies). "They do not simply attack a person's body, they reach all the way into a person's mind...They are meant to disorient or upset mental stability." It is thus shocking to see the U.S. military now preparing, with the help of the Justice Department, to use such electromagnetic totalitarian zapping devices against American civilians.

"Years before he became House Speaker, Newt Gingrich wrote the foreword to an official U.S. Air Force book that described how electromagnetic weapons can be used to subjugate U.S. citizens who oppose the policies of the Federal government. The publication, titled 'Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology' (Lt. Col. David J. Dean, USAF, Editor), contained a chapter written by Capt. Paul Tyler that deals with electromagnetic, (so-called) non- lethal and psychotropic weapons. Because of the strong support for using the U.S. military against civilians (as clearly demonstrated by recent anti- terrorist legislation), this Air Force publication (and its relationship to HAARP) is very significant. Capt. Tyler stated: "The potential applications of artificial electromagnetic fields are wide-ranging and can be used in many military or quasi-military situations.

...Some of these potential uses include dealing with terrorist groups" (as currently defined by the Clinton administration), "crowd control, and...antipersonnel techniques in tactical warfare. In all cases, the electromagnetic systems would be used to produce mild to severe physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation (psychotropic weapons application). "In addition, the ability of individuals to function could be degraded to such a point that they would be combat ineffective. Another advantage of electromagnetic systems is that they provide coverage over large areas with a single system" (disguised reference to projects like HAARP).

"...One last area where electromagnetic radiation may prove of some value is enhancing abilities of individuals for anomalous phenomena", which appears to be a veiled reference to the Federal government's use of electromagnetic and psychotropic devices to create artificial UFO abductions amongst unwitting civilians. Such government-staged UFO encounters (not to be confused with the many real UFO events, such as the Roswell crash) are now being used a cover for widespread physical and psychological experimentation upon U.S. civilians.

One internal HAARP document boasts of "exciting and challenging ... potential to control ionospheric processes." HAARP's goal is to "perturb" the ionosphere with powerful blasts of energy to see "how it responds to the disturbance." Scientists envision using it to burn "holes" in the ionosphere and "create an artificial lens" in the sky that could focus large bursts of electromagnetic energy. The Pentagon also wants to know if HAARP could be used to disrupt communications, destroy enemy missiles or control global weather. Sci-fi freak Newt Gingrich was one of its early supporters.

"Building the HAARP transmitter requires cutting spruce forest and filling wetlands. Its six 3,600-horsepower diesel generators would burn 95 tons of diesel fuel per day, producing over seven tons of air pollution. The project's environmental-impact statement notes that the site "lies within the Copper River Basin, which is one of Alaska's more important migration corridors" for birds, which could be fried by flying through HAARP's 10-megahertz beams. Swans, owls and ducks could also crash into its maze of antennas.

"The HAARP fact sheet states that "most of the energy of the high-power beam would be emitted upward rather than toward the horizon." But other government documents reveal that "80-90 percent of the experiments would...refract fundamental radio frequency energy Earthward from the ionosphere."

"Over the past three decades, human electromagnetic exposure has been linked to fatigue, irritability, memory loss, cataracts, leukemia, birth defects, cancer and changes in brain chemistry. While a government study on the "bioeffects" of HAARP radiation concluded that "chronic exposure may not necessarily be harmful," other government documents warn that such radiation is powerful enough to explode highway flares in passing vehicles a quarter- mile away and disrupt cardiac pacemakers in jet passengers flying overhead. The Pentagon has already decided that HAARP's radio interference is too intense to allow it to be located near any military facilities!" (© Dr. Richard Williams)


It's important to keep in mind particularly in regard to HAARP's power output ratings that Dr. Williams wrote this during the very early phases of HAARP and that the power output levels of HAARP transmissions are currently astronomically and exponentially more powerful than the figures cited by Williams.

Residents of the United States, and to some extent residents of other regions of the world, in particular areas of the southern Pacific, Australia and New Zealand, are at this point being subjected to a literal, all-out war being waged against them by clandestine, unconstitutional, fascist, terrorist and literally demonic elements of a vicious and psychotic covert or secret government, as implemented by certain branches of intelligence and military agencies.

One of the more sour ironies in this is that, to a greater extent that many covert projects, HAARP is in fact being funded largely with OUR money. Congress was given a full-on dog and pony show by HAARP lobbyists and directors, who implied that it would be mainly used for researching and developing enhanced communications systems, and for earth penetrating tomography, to see who else might be putting in underground bases--someone like George Bush's old buddy Saddam Hussein for example. Congress lapped up the BS and forked over the money--our money that is, and now HAARP operatives are thumbing their noses at Congress and the people, using HAARP transmitters to cause severe weather damage, to implement mind modification/control, as a means of inducing physical/ /psychological distress and incapacitation, to open interdimensional portals and to carry out other covert agendas.

Again, it has become clear that HAARP is evolving into an all-purpose, kill-many-birds-with-one-stone (and lots of real birds too!) command, control and communication systems technology, for use by the controllers of what's been termed the New World Order, to ensure maximum compliance from the population and maximum technological superiority for the rulers in the reign of the New World Order--beginning NOW.

Hopefully, enough people will wake up and DEMAND that whatever legitimate remnants still exist of our so-called representative government immediately begin to address HAARP's overwhelmingly serious threats to our freedom, physical and mental health, privacy, wellbeing; threats the human race as a whole and to the planet we call home!

"HAARP's Covert Agendas--The Big Picture" ©1998 John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc. All rights reserved.


The Navy was emailed directly with a request for an official comment on the text of the faxed document regarding a major blowout in a recent HAARP operation involving particle accelerators, resulting in the creation of an interdimensional/time rift. (A full verbatim reprint of the document was included.) As I pointed out in my recent article on HAARP, there was one obvious discrepancy in the faxed document concerning the zip code--it correlated to Fort Myers and not Washington D.C. as the document stated; however at 1455 Overlook Ave., in Fort Myers is a vast multi governmental complex which houses, among other things, National Security Agency offices. Interestingly enough at 4555 Overlook Ave. (SW) in Washington D.C. is the Naval Research Laboratory, a large facility with a staff of over 4000 people, which is in fact the headquarters of the Navy's HAARP operations.

The discrepancy regarding the address as well as the April 1 date on the document could provide ample wiggle room for those involved or knowledgeable to discredit the document. However in a rare public display of agitation, foolishness, confusion or ineptness, a Pentagon spokesman today issued a statement commenting on the HAARP document in question; a response notable indeed for being a complete, total and what's more, unnecessary lie. Rather than addressing any of the points I raised in my request, nor any of the elements of the faxed document, even the potentially questionable ones, a Navy spokesman chose instead to attempt to completely discredit the document (and myself) and derail any serious inquiry by making a reply which is in one instance at least blatantly and demonstrably untrue.

In an email to me dated 5/4/98 1:53:27 PM, Alan Goldstein, Director of Technology Integration at the Navy Office of Information, The Pentagon - Washington, D.C. wrote: " ...There is not any Admiral Falvey nor is there any Overlook Avenue in Washington, D.C". As shown, this statement is a total, complete and utter lie. As a Naval employee at the Pentagon, I find it impossible to believe that he is not aware of the fact that at 4555 Overlook Ave. SW in Washington D.C. is the Naval Research Lab, the official home of HAARP operations.

Busted! The facts speak for themselves.

Perhaps this blatant lie was intended by it's blatancy to show indicate that the HAARP document is essentially valid; more likely it's an indication of a hasty, off-balance response to an issue which would seem to have caused some concern.

Firstly, if the document and my letter were just childish gibberish, why bother to respond at all? And if responding, and if the faxed HAARP document is unquestionably worthless nonsense, why not prove or indicate it as such with solid, valid statements? Instead, (to seriously mix my metaphors), they go off totally half-cocked, shooting from the hip and end up putting their foot firmly and deeply in their big mouth. Give them a little rope and what do you know--they really hang themselves on this one!

It is fair to say that to some extent such a blatant, almost absurd lie of this magnitude from a Pentagon official on the HAARP document can ONLY be seen as bolstering by default the validity of the document in question.

Interesting as well is that this individual seems to imply that my invoking the U.S. Constitution amounted to more "childish gibberish". I guess we know which "side" he's on, and it isn't OURS! I include below my request to the Navy for a comment on the HAARP fax, the Navy's response, and my reply to their lie.

Best Wishes,
John Quinn


We are seeking a statement from Admiral Falvey or a direct associate, colleague or superior, pertaining to the fax received in early April 1998 and reprinted verbatim below. This document and much of the information within it could most likely ONLY have originated from within the intelligence arm of the U. S . Navy or other intelligence/military group, due to the tremendous amount of classified information in the document, as well as the inexplicable way it was received. Additionally, according to the recipient, the document was produced using a version of Adobe PageMaker which is only available to government. It was NOT produced using the commercially available version of this software. Granted a skilled and knowledgeable hoaxer could conceivably have enough knowledge of internal military security codes, routing information, internal directives and classified projects to fake the main body of this document. However, there are some significant points which argue rather strongly AGAINST it being an outright hoax. When the fax was received caller ID was disabled and other systems which identify the originating location of fax transmissions were disabled. The recipient's digital cell phone, which can access up to 12 different networks, locked into one particular network at the very time the fax was received, and for days stayed locked on this network. Also, his beeper can either be on a nationwide or worldwide network; it had been on the nationwide network, and at the time the fax came in switched to the worldwide network, and remained locked onto that network for a number of days. An associate's cell phone can also utilize a number of different networks, yet beginning at the time the fax was received, he was only able access the Milcell (military) network, and couldn't access any other for ten days. These kinds of things are much harder for some hoaxer to implement than the document itself. This is without any doubt some kind of evidence here; either evidence of deliberate official disinformation, or (somewhat muddied) evidence of a yet another highly questionable covert program being operated under cover of the officially acknowledged HAARP project. As American citizens with all rights and protections as afforded by our Constitution, we expect forthwith a statement from Admiral Falvey or another of equal or greater rank regarding the information relayed in this fax.

John Quinn

Mr. Quinn,

The "message" you have forwarded is simply childish gibberish. There are many indications of this, not the least of which is there is not any Admiral Falvey nor is there any Overlook Avenue in Washington, D.C. Furthermore, the tone and wording of your e-mail suggests it to be of the same ilk. However, if you wish to pursue this, it is recommended you turn these "documents" over to the local office of the FBI. Your e-mail and this response will remain on file.

Alan Goldstein
Director, Technology Integration Navy Office of Information The Pentagon - Washington, D.C.

Alan Goldstein
Director, Technology Integration Navy Office of Information The Pentagon
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. Goldstein:

Firstly, I am not in any personal possession of this faxed document and thus have nothing to "turn over" to anyone. I transcribed the text verbatim from a faxed copy of the faxed "original". I am concerned about the operations referred to in this document. In your email to me dated 5/4/98 1:53:27 PM, you wrote: " ...There is not any Admiral Falvey nor is there any Overlook Avenue in Washington, D.C."

You chose not to respond to any of the pertinent points raised in my email, nor any of the significant elements of the document in question. Instead you chose to try to completely discredit the document (and myself) by making a reply which is one instance at least blatantly and demonstrably false. As a Naval employee at the Pentagon, I find it impossible to believe that you are NOT aware of the fact that not only IS there an Overlook Ave. in Washington D.C.; but at 4555 Overlook Ave. SW is the Naval Research Laboratory, the center (as far as I know) of the Navy's HAARP efforts (as in: ); the phone number, in case you didn't know--202.767.3426. I have to wonder why, if this "document" is childish gibberish, it seems you have responded in this manner. Obviously there are other points in the document which could be questioned, yet instead you issued a statement which was apparently an attempt to deflect any serious consideration of or questions about the document in question; you attempted to do by making an obviously untrue statement as I've shown. What is your comment on this?

Also, in your email you also said that the "tone" of my email indicated it to be childish gibberish as well. Among other things my email said, "As American citizens with all rights and protections as afforded by our Constitution, we expect forthwith a statement from Admiral Falvey or another of equal or greater rank regarding the information relayed in this fax." Is that what you would consider "childish gibberish? Do you believe that adhering to and abiding by the U.S. Constitution is childish and that advocating such amounts to "gibberish"? I find this hasty, untruthful, ill-conceived, and apparently agitated response from The Navy to be of interest. Also, it would lead one to think that the main body of the document in question could be valid. ---John Quinn



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